Percy x Reader- Pokémon

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"Percy come out!" You shouted outside of the bathroom door.

"Oh come on (y/n) do I really have to?" The son of Poseidon whined.

You rolled your eyes and replied, "If you don't come out right now no kisses for a week."
He sighed then opened the bathroom door to reveal a very annoyed Percy dressed in a Squirtle outfit. "Awwwwwwww!" You squealed.

Percy pouted and crossed his arms only making the scene cuter.

"I hate you, I hate this, I hate everything!" He grumbled and you giggled kissing his cheek.

"But you look so adorable," you smiled.

Percy frowned and pulled at the hoodie with Squirtles face on the front.

"I claim boyfriend torture,"

You laughed and flicked his nose.

"I claim adorableness at its finest,"

The sea green eyed boy cracked a smile and rolled his eyes pushing down the hood and shaking his messy hair out. You frowned and pulled it back over his head, not wanting the cuteness to end. Percy groaned in defeat then walked past you and flopped onto his bed.

"When can I take this off?" He moaned.

You smiled and plopped down next to him and took out your phone.

"After a few pictures," you smiled pulling up the camera on the screen.

Percy looked at you horrified and shook his head.

"No, no way I'm not having any evidence of this,"






"Ugh, fine,"

You grinned and held up the phone and snapped several pictures, after the first few Percy started to get into it; making silly faces with you or kissing your cheek.

Once finished with the camera you put your phone away and turned to Percy kissing him on the lips. The boy smiled into the kiss cupping your cheek with one hand, the other on your waist.

"You make a cute Squirtle," you giggled once pulling away.

"And you," Percy smirked, "can be my incredibly hot trainer."

You laughed and snuggled into Percy's lap wrapping your arms around his waist.

"Percy?" You said after a while.

"Yes?" He answered.

"I choose you,"


I don't know.

Am extremely bored its four in the morning I have no inspiration...and I thought it would be pretty funny to see my brother in a Squirtle outfit so, yeah.

I'm just gonna stop talking now bye.

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