Percy x B- Baby Sister

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I sat under a tree reading my favorite book when a raindrop hit the page I was on.

"Aw man," I groaned as the rain fell faster.

As I closed my book getting ready to stand the rain stopped abruptly, I looked around but campers were still running around trying to not get soaked as it poured around me.

"What the?" I looked around and behind me stood a smiling Percy.

"Hey B," he greeted stepping closer, keeping the rain off the both of us.

"Hi Percy," I blushed holding my book close to my chest.

The son of Poseidon grinned and stepped even closer until he was towering over me, I only up to his chest. I lifted my head to make eye contact and blushed deeper, Percy's sea green eyes sparkled with kindness and amusement as I tried to keep the red off my cheeks.

"So, I've been meaning to ask you something," he said scratching the back of his neck.

"Okay," I raised an eyebrow, "and what would that be?"

Percy smiled and put his hands in his jean pockets. "I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go ou-,"

Suddenly an arm pulled me out into the rain and I yelped as the cold droplets hit my skin. Percy looked behind me and glared at the person who was dragging me away. I kicked and fought trying to escape but it was no use, they were too strong.

The person walked up the steps of Cabin 1 and tossed me inside firmly shutting the door and locking it.

"Jason what the heck?!" I said crossing my arms.

The blonde boy turned and scowled at me. "You are not going out with him." He said firmly.


I wasn't going out with him? Was Percy about to ask me on a date? And Jason just barged in! He knew I've liked him for a long time.

"Was Percy about to ask me out?!" I asked.
Jason only glared at the window and I walked over hitting his arm with each word I spoke.
"Was. Percy. Going. To. Ask. Me. Out?!"

The boy gulped and scratched the back of his neck.


"JASON!" I screamed, thunder shook the cabin as the rain outside changed with my mood.

"Yes he was about to ask you out but in my defense, he asked me if he could first and I told him no. Percy deliberately went behind my back." Jason said.

I groaned and threw my hands up in exasperation. "Gods of Olympus Jason how old are you?! You're not my dad."

He sighed and walked over wrapping his arms around me.

"I know B but you're my baby sister, I don't wanna see you grow up too fast,"

I rolled my eyes and wiggled out from his grip flopping onto my bed. "I'm not a baby Jason I can date whoever I want."

He frowned and shook his head. "Whatever, I'm just trying to protect you."

The rain had lightened up so he walked out the cabin only to have Percy walk in, as the son of Poseidon walked by my brother gave him the glare of death then stalked out into Camp, slamming the door behind him.

Percy turned to me, "What's up with him?" He asked.

"Just Jason being moody like usual," I answered sitting up.

Percy walked over and sat at the foot of my bed tilting his head to the side. "So about what I was going to ask you-,"


Percy looked up. "What?"

I smiled and scooted closer to him. "Yes, I will go out with you Percy."

His sea green eyes widened and he jumped up off of my bed. "Really?!"

I laughed and nodded my head. Percy smiled so wide then pumped his fist in the air doing a very strange happy dance only making me laugh more. After his tiny celebration he turned, grabbed my face and pressed his lips to mine.

My eyes widened and he pulled away grinning like a maniac, then his smile faded.

"Oh gods, B I am so sorry I-I didn't mean to-,"
I cut him off by kissing him roughly. Percy groaned and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close.

I tangled my fingers in his hair and the boy pressed his body to mine, I leaned so far back I fell onto the bed and Percy landed on top of me, never braking the kiss. The boy bit my bottom lip hungrily and I parted my lips the slightest bit, allowing his tongue to slide inside my mouth.

Soft whimpers and moans escaped into the kiss and Percy smiled against my lips seeming to enjoy the noises I was making. My hands trailed down his chest and his slid up my back, down to my thighs and back up again. Percy groaned loudly as I tugged at the soft waves of black at the back of his neck where it was softest, sighing into the kiss more and more.


We both pulled apart quickly scrambling off of each other. In the doorway Jason stood wide eyed and about ready to murder Percy. His blue eyes blazed with anger as he charged toward the son of Poseidon.

"I'm going to KILL you Percy!" He growled.

Percy dodged his attempt to tackle him and ran for the door stopping right before he bolted turning to me. "Pick you up at seven?" He asked.

I smiled, "Sounds great."

He winked then ran out the cabin with Jason screaming bloody murder right behind him.

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