Leo x Jazmyne- Crush

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"Hey Jazmyne, could you hand me that box of nails please?" Leo asked holding out his hand.

"Sure," I hopped up from the workbench I was sitting on and grabbed the box handing it to Leo.


"No problem,"
He then went back to working silently as I watched.

My heart fluttered as I stared at the Latino like it always did when I was near him. Leo was my best friend, but also my biggest crush. We hung out constantly, told each other everything, practically inseparable. That's why I didn't tell him my feelings, I didn't want to ruin our friendship.

Leo looked up from his project and smiled at me, I blushed and smiled back, hoping he didn't catch my long stare. "So," he started, "you seeing anyone?"

I raised my eyebrow, "Why the sudden interest Valdez?" I asked. Leo's cheeks turned a light pink and he shrugged.

"I-I don't know, just trying to make polite conversation. So.....are you?" Leo gave me what seemed like a worried expression.

I shook my head. "No, I'm not seeing anyone."
He visibly relaxed. Was Leo, happy that I wasn't seeing anyone? "How about you Valdez? Any special girl out there?"

Leo cupped the back of his neck and avoided my gaze. "Well, there is this one girl."

My heart sunk. Leo liked someone else. I felt like crying, I looked away and my bottom lip trembled. Leo looked up, eyebrows pulled together.

"You okay?"

I sniffed and walked to the door of Bunker 9. "Y-Yeah, fine. I'll see you later, bye."


But I was gone. I ran out of Bunker 9 and bolted through the trees to my cabin throwing myself onto my bed and cried. Leo liked someone else, my crush and best friend just broke my heart. I could never see him again or the pain would be too much. I had to avoid him, avoiding him was the best option I had. I didn't want to be hurt........

~Three Weeks Later~

I walked by the Hephaestus cabin, hands shoved deep inside my jacket pockets. I was still hurting, I hadn't seen Leo in over three weeks. Sure he tried to talk to me, ask me what he did wrong, but I just walked the other way. As I passed the cabin door it suddenly opened and a hand pulled me inside, I yelped and the door closed firmly behind me.

Leo stood in front of me, blazing anger in his eyes. "Okay Jazmyne, what the hell is up? It's been three weeks, I've tried everything to get your attention but you keep ignoring me. What did I do?"

I looked down, tears threatening to spill. Leo stared at me expectantly, waiting for an answer. I stayed silent and he groaned in frustration.

"What the hell did I do wrong?! Jazmyne please tell me I wanna fix whatever I did-,"

"You didn't do anything!" I shouted cutting him off. Leo seemed taken aback.

"Then why have you been avoiding me?"

I bit my bottom lip and looked away, "I can't......I can't tell you."

He crossed his arms. "And why not?"

"Because it will only ruin our friendship."

Leo scoffed. "What friendship? Real friends don't avoid each other for weeks at a time with no explanation. Real friends tell the other person why they're so pissed. Real friends-,"

"Okay okay I get it." I huffed.

"Then tell me what the hell is up your ass? Why are you so pissed at me?"

"I'm not,"

"Are you-ARG!" Leo pulled at his curls in frustration. "Just tell me what's wrong!"

Anger finally bubbled up in my chest and I exploded. "IM IN LOVE WITH YOU YOU IDIOT!" I screamed.

Leo's eyes widened. "What?"

"I'm in love with you! Ever since you told me you liked someone else I've been hurting! I've been avoiding you because I could never see you the same way again if you were in love with someone else." Tears spilled down my cheeks, and he said nothing. He just stood there shocked. I furiously wiped my eyes and looked away only to have my chin be lifted up to face Leo.

He stared into my brown eyes intently then leaned down pressing his lips to mine gently. My anger and heart melted in that one kiss, my arms wrapped around his neck and his went around my waist pulling me closer. Leo's lips moved slowly and passionately over mine, taking his time. I shuddered as he finally pulled away, our breathes coming in short gasps.

"You didn't have to avoid me because of my crush Jazmyne, you were her. You could have just told me and this whole mess could've been avoided in the first place." He smiled at me and chuckled.

A blush spread across my cheeks and I started to laugh too. "I'm sorry, I guess I was pissed about you liking someone else. Forgive me?"

Leo smiled and pressed his warm lips to mine again then whispered, "Of course. I love you Jazmyne."

My heart fluttered. "I love you too."

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