Leo x Reader- Too Hot To Touch

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Leo had been avoiding you.

Ever since the 'incident', he's been keeping his distance and not talking to you. Not even so much as a glance.

And as for the 'incident', well, let's go back a little bit.


You and Leo were in Bunker 9 while he worked on a new chariot for the Hephaestus cabin.
The said boy was busily twisting a wrench with his tongue hanging out squatting next to the chariot, you laughed at the scene.

You were currently sitting on a workbench, swinging your legs like a child watching as the son of Hephaestus worked.
Leo would get the cutest facial expressions as he built something.

His brow would scrunch up, his nose would crinkle and cutest of all he would just have on that thinking face that you loved so much.

"So, what are you fixing right now Leo?" You asked hopping down from the bench.

Leo straightened then turned to you running a hand through his mass of wild curls.

"Well, I'm trying to make the axle stronger because Clarrisse keeps on trying to knock the wheels off. But I just can't find a thick enough piece of Celestial Bronze to get the job done."

The boy groaned in frustration and pouted crossing his arms making you laugh.

"It's okay Leo, you'll get it," you smiled.

You put a hand on his wrist and kissed his cheek trying to make him feel better.
Leo blushed a deep red and his ears caught fire, his skin heat up considerably and you yanked your hand back in pain.

"Ow!" You cried looking at the forming blisters on your palm.

Leo freaked.

"Oh my gods (y/n) I'm so sorry! Here let me see-No, I-I can't. It's like with mom all over again...all I do is hurt people! Gods I'm such an idiot!" He clutched his hair and backed away from you, tears streaming down his face.

You took a step forward concerned for your friend but he only backed away faster.

"Leo it's okay it doesn't even hurt that much-," you tried.

"No, no, no it's not okay
(y/n). I swear all I do is hurt the people I care about most. First my mom, then I burned Jason by accident and after that Nyssa. I-I just can't, I'm so sorry
(y/n), I'm so so so so sorry!"

And with that he ran out of Bunker 9 in tears.
You tried calling him back and chasing after him but once you made it outside he had disappeared, leaving you sad, alone, confused, and most of all...concerned.

{Flashback Over}

Now all you wanted to do was see him and try to make him feel better.

As you neared the beach and toward the patch of large rocks you heard soft crying.
You, being the kind person you are, ran towards the sound and stopped abruptly as a person you knew all too well sat on a rock.


He had his knees curled up to his chest and he was rocking back and forth clutching the side of his head, soft whimpers escaping his lips.

You snuck closer hiding behind a large rock watching intently.

"Idiot, idiot you burned her. You hurt her. She hates me now, she thinks I'm a monster...and I am. I'm a murderer, a cold blooded murderer. Why? Why did I have to be cursed with this? Why?!" He sobbed.

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