Percy x Reader- Beach Party

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"(y/n) you have got to wear this!" Piper gushed shoving the blue/green bikini into your hands.

You blushed at how small it was and pushed it back into the Cherokee girls hands.

"Piper that's way too small! I can't wear something like that." You said playing with a strand of your hair.

Piper scoffed and put her hands on her hips.

"Come on, I know that you want to impress a certain someone at the party," she said in a sing/song voice winking.

Your face blushed even more and you looked at the wall.
It was true.
You wanted to see Percy and blow his mind when you showed up.

You had had a crush on the son of Poseidon for nearly nine months now and you really wanted to make the clueless boy see that you had feelings for him.
Sure you dropped hints but he never seemed to catch on...the stupid Seaweed Brained idiot.

"Look," Piper said untying the bikini, "if you wear this at the party, then I'll make sure that you're with Percy the whole night. How does that sound?"

She raised her eyebrows and you bit your bottom lip thinking it over.

Sure you wanted to see Percy but was it really worth being seen in that prostitute outfit?

Hell to the yes.

"Ugh, fine you win Piper give me the damn thing,"
You snatched it from her hands and she squealed shoving you into the bathroom to change.

"Hurry, we have to be there in fifteen minutes!" She called from the other side of the door.

You groaned and started undressing then put on the bikini.
You took a look at yourself in the mirror spinning in a circle to try and see all angles.

You had to admit, you looked good.

"Piper! I need a second opinion." You said unlocking the door.

She strode in and gasped smiling.

"Oh my gods (y/n) you look great! You are going to blow Percy's mind when he sees you."

You sighed with relief and pulled your hair into a ponytail then grabbed your beach towel and bag.

"Well, then let's go," you smiled.

{Time skippidy doo}

The beach was packed with other demigods and you were suddenly self conscious about the way you looked.

Would people stare? Did you look bad in the bathing suit? Was it too tiny?

Oh people stared all right.

As you walked by with Piper tugging at your elbow boys heads turned and their eyes widened. Most whistled in approval and others drooled with their mouths hanging open.

You smiled and laughed nervously waving to some who winked at you as you passed.
Piper finally stopped by the dock and set her towel down taking out her sunglasses.

"Okay, everyone should be meeting us here-,"

"-Piper!" Someone called interrupting her.

You both turned to see Piper's boyfriend Jason and your best friend Leo walking up waving and smiling.

Jason was almost to the both of you when Leo hopped onto his back making the blonde boy stumbled forward.

"ONWARD SUPERMAN! THE HOT GIRLS AWAIT ME!" The Latino smirked pointing to the horizon.

You laughed and rolled your eyes as Jason shoved Leo off making him fall into the sand on his back.
Leo giggled like a maniac then popped back up to his feet running the rest of the way over.

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