Nico x Reader- Falling For You

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This chapter is dedicated to my awesome sister @elizabethrogers3910.

Please follow her she's hella rad.


You walked around camp with nothing to do, a book was tucked under your arm and you were itching to read it but your sibling(s) told you you had to be more social.

Not paying much attention you didn't notice an angry spawn of Ares stomping towards you.

"Out of the way runt," he pushed you down and you stumbled falling backwards.

Suddenly you landed on something besides the ground, it was warm and soft.

"Ow," the something said.

You turned around and gulped. You had landed on a boy.

{Nico's P.O.V because I can}

I was just sitting under a tree minding my own business then a girl landed in my lap.
Now, I'm not complaining she was pretty cute.
She had gorgeous (h/l) (h/c) hair and bright (e/c) eyes that sparkled with curiosity.

"Ow," I said as she shifted in the wrong place.

The girl turned and my breath caught as her (e/c) orbs stared into mine. Her cheeks turned a bright pink which I thought was adorable then she started stuttering.

"S-Sorry I-I-I don't see y-you," she mumbled blushing harder.

I chuckled at her shyness and shrugged it off.

"Uh, no problem, just watch where you land next time," I smiled slightly.

The girl murmured an okay and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. I tilted my head to the side then noticed the book she had dropped had landed next to my hand.

I picked it up to read the cover to discover it was one of my favorite classics.

"Romeo and Juliet?" I grinned handing it to her.

The girl blushed and took the book from my hands clutching it to her chest.

"Y-Yes," she muttered avoiding my gaze.

Then I noticed something, she was still in my lap and I didn't even know her name.
And I'm not gonna lie, I really wanted to know it.

"By the way I'm Nico,"

The girl looked up and gave me a soft smile.

"(y/n)," she introduced.

(y/n). (y/n). I thought in my mind. Man that was really pretty, it fit her perfectly.

"That's a nice name," I smiled making her blush adorably.


I grinned and noticed I had wrapped my arms around her waist, my heart fluttered as she noticed also but didn't pull away.
I liked her in my arms, I liked her in my lap, I liked (y/n).

"Whoa," I said under my breath as realization hit.

"What?" (y/n) asked and I blushed.

"Oh, nothing,"

(y/n) shifted again in my lap and bit her bottom lip chewing lightly.

"Hey Nico?" She said looking me in the eyes.

"Yes?" I urged.

"I think...I think I'm falling for you," she whispered so low I had to strain to hear.

My heart pounded in my chest as those words left her perfect lips. (y/n) had fallen for me? I know I had fallen for her, and I had fallen hard.

"Wow, (y/n) I-,"

Her eyes turned panicky and she scrambled out of my grip.

"Oh gods, I screwed up I knew I shouldn't have said anything-!"

My eyes widened and I quickly tried to comfort her, I couldn't have her leave now.

"No, no, no, no, no! (y/n) you didn't screw up, I...I actually like you too," I blushed.

(y/n) looked at me with wide shocked eyes.

"Really?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I like you a lot," I said knowing it was the truth.

"Well, I like you too," she said then blushed. "Gods I just realized how stupid I sound. Of course you already knew that."

I chuckled and she did too.

"So, what do we do now?" (y/n) asked.

I scratched the back of my neck and thought for a moment. What should we do?

"I uh, guess now?"

(y/n) pursed her lips then smiled at me.

"Yeah, that sounds nice,"

I sighed with relief and helped her to her feet then we walked to her cabin together.
Once at the door I mustered up as much courage as I could and pecked her cheek lightly.

"Bye," I said then jogged out of sight smiling like an idiot.

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