Jason x Reader- Biggest Fear

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You sat on the roof of your cabin balancing a book on your lap as you swung your legs over the edge like a little kid.

You loved reading up there.
You didn't have to deal with your siblings or worry about anyone bothering you while you read...or so you thought.

"Hey (y/n) what you doin'?" Someone asked.

You jumped and the book fell from your lap onto the ground ten feet below.

"Jason Grace I was at the best part!" You whined crossing your arms at the son of Jupiter.

The blonde haired boy laughed and flew down to retrieve it. Oh yeah, he had been riding on the winds when he talked to you.

Jason came back up smirking and handed you the book.

"Here you are my lady," he grinned and you blushed rolling your eyes.

You didn't tell anyone but you had a major crush on the blonde haired "Super Man" as Leo called him.
He had that short cut golden blonde hair, brilliant sky blue eyes and nicely toned muscles. Jason even had a cute little scar above his lip which you absolutely adored.

He was just...perfect.

And that's why you thought he would never have the same feelings that you had for him.

"Thanks my knight in shining armor," you said while smirking.

Jason laughed and momentarily lost control of the wind, he dropped about five feet and you freaked out.
Heights were your biggest fear and you hated even watching Jason in the air.

"Jason oh my gods! Please don't fall to your death like that!" You fussed as he leveled off in front of you.

The boy smirked and chuckled crossing his muscular arms.

"What's up with you and me flying? You always freak out when I do it." He asked and you bit your bottom lip.

"I-I'm scared of heights," you confessed.

Jason looked at you with confusion then he busted out laughing. The boy had to land on the roof because he nearly fell again.

You blushed and pouted stomping your foot as Jason was doubled over with laughter.

"It's not funny Jason!" You said angry and he only laughed harder.

"Ye-Yes it i-is. Oh my gods
(y/n) that is the funniest thing I've ever heard. Woo, good times." He sighed wiping at his beautiful blue eyes.

You pouted and blushed harder crossing your arms.

"You're so mean,"

Jason smiled and wrapped you in a hug that made your heart race.

"Aw, I'm sorry (y/n) I didn't think you would be that bothered. How about I help you with this little fear of yours?"

You looked up at his handsome face and cocked your head to one side.

"Okay, how?" You asked and he broke out into a grin.

"Like this,"

Jason picked you up bridal style and the next thing you knew you were thirty feet in the air, far above camp.

"JASON GRACE PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!" You screamed clinging to his purple shirt for dear life.

The son of Jupiter only laughed and went higher making you scream louder than before.
You shut your eyes tight afraid of looking down for fear that you would pass out from the ground being so far away.

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