Frank x Reader- Sick

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Being sick sucked.

Every part of you ached, your nose was runny and red from blowing it all morning, and you had terrible chills. The fever didn't help much either, you had one of 102 and every few minutes you would brake out into a hot flash.

You grabbed a tissue and blew your raw stuffy nose barely getting anything out. 'Man,' you thought, 'could this day get any worse?'.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, you sat up trying to fix your messy hair as best you could before answering.

"Come in," you croaked out coughing afterwards.

The door creaked open to reveal your boyfriend, Frank.
The boy smiled at you kindly walking into the room with a bag in his hand.

"Hey (y/n), how are you feeling?" He asked sitting in a chair next to your bed.

"Terrible," you answered snuggling back under the covers. "I'm cold, I can barely breathe, and my throat feels like it was put through a paper shredder."

Frank pouted in sympathy and took off his yellow sweater, pulling down the t-shirt he had on underneath.

"Sit up," he smiled.

You did as you were told and Frank pulled the sweater over your head. You were soon buried in the clothing and you giggled cuddling into the soft, warm material.

"Thank you,"

Frank smiled and dug into the bag he had brought and picked out a handful of your favorite movies and a DVD player, plugging it into the wall and hopping into bed with you. The son of Mars put in a movie and pulled you close, you snuggled into his side as the previews played.

"Are you hungry?" Frank asked.

Before you could answer your stomach rumbled making you both chuckle. Frank reached down into the bag again and brought out a plastic bowl with a lid and handed it to you along with a spoon.

You took the container and saw that (your favorite soup) was inside. You smiled and opened it up making the wonderful smelling steam hit your nose.

"Aw Frank, you're the best," you grinned.

The boy blushed and smiled back kissing the top of your head holding you closer.

You took light sips from the soup, smiling as the warmth seeped into your bones making you feel better already.
Once you finished half of the movie was over so you cuddled closer to Frank burying your face into his chest.

The boy next to you held you close, occasionally kissing your forehead or the top of your hair. You smiled at his kindness and couldn't think of anything better to do on a day like today.

"I love you Frank," you smiled.

Frank grinned, his cheeks dusting a light pink.

"I love you too (y/n),"

And for the rest of the day you both watched movies and cuddled. You gradually getting better every second you spent with Frank.


Just a little Frankie fluff.

Got this idea because right now I'm feeling a little under the weather and I need a Frank teddy bear to cuddle with.

Buh-Bye my lovable readers!

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