Nico x Reader- Meeting Him

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The brush crunched under your sneakers as you walked farther into the woods, your breath puffing out into a white cloud in front of your face.

You wanted to be alone.
The Aphrodite girls were making fun of you again, saying that you didn't belong. You weren't pretty. You weren't worth anything.

The words hurt and you wiped at your eyes as tears started to leak out.
Sniffling you sat on a large root from a tree that arched about two feet off of the ground, a perfect natural chair.

You brought your knees up to your chin and hugged them tight to keep warm. It was the middle of Autumn so the leaves were starting to fall off of the trees and the air was crisp, burning your lungs slightly.

A snapping branch made you jump. You quickly stood and gripped the handle of the knife in your belt loop.

"Monster," you breathed a little frightened.

Another branch snapped, this time louder and closer, then you heard the breathing.
Like a giant dog panting on a hot day.

A dark shadow passed about ten yards from you shifting through the trees making the leaves sway and rustle.
Your hands shook and you started breathing heavily, you had never taken down a monster alone. You always had your siblings to help.

Red glowing eyes pierced through the dark shadows of the trees and you whimpered taking a step back, the creature didn't move. Maybe if you were slow enough you could just calmly walk away.

You took another step back, pausing to see if the monster would charge, it didn't. You took just one more, then another, and another. Then you slipped on a wet rock and stumbled.

The beast burst out of the forest to reveal the biggest hellhound you had ever seen.
The large black dog bounded forward with its mouth open, slobber dripping from its jowls.

You tried pulling out your knife but it wouldn't budge, the weapon was stuck. You panicked and crossed your arms over your face looking away terrified. A scream escaped your lips and you braced yourself for death, but it didn't come.

You felt hot breath on your body and you peeked to see that the hellhound had stopped inches from you. The creatures tail wagged then it licked you, it licked you!

Caught off guard you stood still as the massive Mastiff looking monster showed you affection like a puppy, its wet tongue taking huge licks from your face.

Suddenly a whistle made the monster stop and you tried to look around the creature.

"Schweet! {A/N) I don't know how to describe a whistle sound so that's the best I could do...oh well😋} Miss O'Leary where are you?!" A voice called.

Then a boy stepped out of the forest with a black as night sword at his side.
He had fair raven hair that fell over his eyes, an aviators jacket and a black shirt with dark jeans and black leather boots.

"Oh," the boy said, "sorry did she scare you?"
He walked up to the hellhound and scratched behind its ear.

The creature Miss O'Leary wagged her tail and panted enjoying the petting immensely.

"Uh, a little a guess. She just caught me off guard that's all." You said rubbing your forearm and looking at the ground.

The boy nodded then patted Miss O'Leary's shoulder.

"Sorry, she's a sweetheart so don't worry about her eating you. I'm Nico di Angelo by the way."
He held out his hand and you shook it.

"(y/n) (l/n)," you said.

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