Nico x Reader- Master Nico

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You walked to the arena ready for sword lessons with your best friend Nico di Angelo.

Your heart fluttered as you thought of him wrapping his arms around yours to perfect your swing. Then him helping with your armor because you sucked at attaching it.

Once into the ring Nico smiled as you approached him clutching the hilt of your sword.

"Hi Nico," you greeted smiling.

"Hey (y/n), you ready to start?" Nico asked brandishing his Stygian Iron sword.

You laughed and took your own weapon from its hilt twirling it in your hand.

"Definitely, but I need armor first," you said walking to the shed.

Nico scoffed behind you.

"Armor is for wussies, just practice without it. I'll go easy I promise." He smirked.

You put your hands on your hips and raised an eyebrow.

"What makes you think you'll be the one going easy on someone? I'm pretty good myself di Angelo."

To prove that you spun your sword and made a menacing pose.
The son of Hades only chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"Come on (y/n), I'm an expert swordsman. Master Nico is more like it." He smirked and you frowned at him.

"Care to put your money where your mouth is?" You said and his smile widened.

"Gladly. Ten drachmas says I can knock you down first."

"Fine by me. Let's go "Master Nico"." You said making air quotes and he grinned.

You both raced toward each other and your swords clashed together making a loud clang.
Nico grunted shoving you backwards but you quickly recovered slicing at his chest.

The boy dodged swiftly striking at your arm, you nearly got sliced but avoided the black as night blade just in time.

Nico wasn't holding anything back.

You swung at his ribs and he intercepted bringing your arm upward leaving your chest totally exposed.
Nico kicked out, his boot crashing into your chest attempting to make you fall into the dirt almost knocking the wind out of you.

You stumbled backwards bending over breathing heavily, you weren't going down so easily.

Getting a second wind you rushed forward catching Nico off guard.
You grunted bringing your blade forward with all of your might aiming for his head.

The son of Hades brought his sword up intercepting just in time before he was decapitated. You both fought against each other's strength staring into each other's eyes.

Nico's midnight orbs stared into your (e/c) ones with fire raging in them. He was pumped up and you knew it.

With one last grunt he slammed his shoulder into yours making you stumble backwards off balance.
Taking his chance he knocked your sword from your hand and kicked your stomach, you fell into the dirt.

Nico held his blade at your nose and smiled down, breathing heavily.

"Well-I-win," he panted, chest rising and falling.

You sighed and shook your head.

"Fine, Master Nico you win. By the way, your fly's down." You smirked.

The boy blushed and looked down exclaiming, "What?!"

You shot your leg out hooking it around Nico's ankle and tripped him.
He landed on his back dropping his sword on his way down.

You scrambled up and grabbed your weapon straddling his hips so he couldn't get away.
You held the blade under his chin and smirked down at him.

"Just kidding," you giggled and he sighed rolling his eyes.

"Very funny, but I still get ten drachmas since you fell first."

"Fine, but can I get a prize since I brought you down too?" You asked smiling at the thought of what you wanted.

Nico raised an eyebrow and looked at you skeptically.

"Sure, what is it?"

Your smile grew wider and you leaned down until your lips were centimeters from his.

"A kiss," you whispered grinning.

The boy below you blushed then smiled also, closing the space between you two.
Your lips met in a soft gentle kiss and you sighed into it.
Nico held your waist and you dropped your blade cupping his face pulling him closer.

Once pulling away both of you were breathless and red faced. You looked into each other's eyes and smiled in sync.

"I love you," you both said at the same time.

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