Percy x Terra- Jealous

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Percy drove down the dark road, drumming his thumbs against the steering wheel with the beat coming from the radio. He and I were on our way to pick up a couple new demigods at Nopeming High. I stared out the window watching as the trees passed, their branches reaching out like skeletal hands in the night. I shuddered.

"You okay Terra? Percy asked turning to me.

I snapped away from the window and looked at my boyfriend, his sea green eyes held worry. A small smile spread across my lips to reassure him. "I'm fine Percy, just that it's a dark night tonight."

The dark had always scared me, ever since I found out I was a demigod I spent many nights alone on the street or in the woods where monsters lurked and attacked me. I had to always keep my guard up, sleeping lightly or never sleeping at all. I always felt like the dark was going to consume me, hold me down and let the monsters kill me. Just thinking about it made my heart rate speed up and a chill run down my spine.

"Oh, Terra don't worry about that. I'm here, nothing out there can hurt you, and if they tried they'd have to go through me first." Percy took my hand giving it a light squeeze and I smiled at him.

My fear slowly melted away and I sighed contently, never letting go of Percy's hand. We finally made it to the high school which was lit up with a warm yellow glow. I smiled as the light kept the shadows at bay, giving out a homey feel. Percy parked the car up front then got out as I did shutting the door and zipping up my purple jacket.

He took my hand then led me up the stairs opening the front door, warmth wafted throughout the school and I appreciated it immensely. All of a sudden a little old woman jumped out in front of us.

"Welcome! You're those nice students of Mr. Bruner right?" She smiled. She had a weathered face and large red glasses, she was probably up to my waist in height and had her gray brown hair up in a neat bun.

"Uh, yeah we're Mr. Bruner's students." Percy said. The woman smiled wider and stood up on her tip toes patting his cheek. I laughed at Percy's strange expression.

"Oh you two are just so adorable! Come on and come meet Adam and Mandy, they're both dying to meet you. I'm Mrs. Hanson by the way, school counselor. I see the both of them on a daily basis, poor things have ADHD and Dyslexia, can't sit still for a minute." Mrs. Hanson went on and on about the two demigods while Percy and I followed behind her light little steps. I smiled at the little woman, she was like a gentle grandma who gave you tons of candy.

We walked down the long corridors, turned right, then left, then right again to a dorm door. Inside I could hear loud rock music playing and two people arguing. Mrs. Hanson knocked but I knew that wasn't going to work. I walked up and pounded on the door multiple times until it swung open to reveal two teens in the middle of a messy room shouting their heads off.

"How many times have I told you to keep your dirty underwear off of my dresser?!" A girl with thick black glasses, dark purple dyed hair, and large sweater shouted.

"Come on it's not that bad!" A boy with light brown hair and startling blue eyes yelled back.

"YOURE ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING! I CANT BELIEVE THEY PUT US IN THE SAME ROOM TOGETHER I CANT STAND YOU!" The girl screamed, face beet red with anger. The boy crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

"We're siblings that's why,"

"God I hate you," she groaned. The girl turned finally noticing us then straightened. "Oh, hey Mrs. Hanson."

The little woman smiled. "Hello Mandy, Adam. Meet, um..." She turned to us.

"Oh, I'm Terra and this is my boyfriend Percy." I pointed to the both of us.

"Terra and Percy, they're Mr. Bruner's students from New York."

Adam raised his eyebrows at me, his blue orbs staring intently into my grey eyes. Mandy on the other hand rolled her eyes and pulled her sweater hood over her head, part of her purple side bangs covering one eye.

"Hey guys," Percy greeted.

Adam stepped forward and shook his hand, "Sup, I'm Adam Norms and this is my sister Mandy."

"Hey," she muttered avoiding our gaze.

Her brother then came up to me and shook my hand, his blue eyes gazing at me intently. I smiled shyly as he kept staring, I glanced at Percy who was glaring at Adam. Brows furrowed and mouth turned down at the corners.

"So, are you guys like, supposed to take us to New York?" Mandy asked.

I looked around Adam and smiled. "Yeah, do you guys have your things packed?"

She scoffed, "I was packing but then this idiot decided to put his boxers in with my clothes."

"Can we not talk about this now and just get ready." Adam sighed.

"Pfft, whatever," Mandy went back to packing and Percy went over to her.

"Here let me help," he then started putting clothes into her bag. Adam nudged my shoulder.

"Could you help me?" He grinned. I shrugged.

"Sure," we then went over and started packing his bag. Adam then started flirting, saying corny pickup lines or touching my hand when we reached for the same pair of clothing. It was cute, but of course I didn't fall for it. I had Percy, and he was all I wanted and needed.

I glanced over at my boyfriend who was angrily shoving clothes into Mandy's bag as he saw Adam touch my shoulder, his sea green eyes blazing with anger. Giving him a small smile I picked up Adams bag and handed it to him.

"Okay, I think we're ready." I grinned. Percy stomped over and took my hand.

"Let's go," he huffed pulling me out of the room. Mandy and Adam shrugged then walked out with us. Percy dragged me outside and waited by me as the siblings put their stuff in the car.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I whispered to him. Percy glared more.

"Nothing. Nothing at all."

I was not amused, "Perrrrcyyyy," I whined and he sighed.

"Adam keeps flirting with you and I'm sick of it. He should know that I'm with you."

A smirk spread across my lips and I crossed my arms over my chest, "So, you're jealous?"

Percy's eyes widened then he scoffed. "What? No. I'm not.....jealous."

"Oh you so are Seaweed Brain," I laughed.

Adam walked up to me and nudged my shoulder, "We're ready beautiful." He smirked.

Percy growled deep in his throat, obviously pissed. I then decided to make him feel better. I turned and grabbed Percy's face smashing my lips to his. His eyes widened then he groaned against my lips pulling me closer by the waist. His mouth ravaged over mine and I kissed back just as eagerly and with just as much passion. Adam stared wide eyed then he turned a cherry red cupping the back of his neck.

"Uh, I'll just....get in the car," he then turned and opened the car door sitting himself inside. Mandy laughed and went around the other side stepping in as well.

I pulled away from Percy and smirked, he chuckled and pecked my lips. "Yeah, I think he knows you're mine now."

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