A Proper Beating Of Realization

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Yep I'm done
I was going to make a really snazzy edit, but then I realized, my editing skills suck.


Chapter 27

You probably would have never known, or felt it, but that simple pain you get if you have a hangover, or most likely have been slammed into a bus.

And if you haven't felt that, well let me tell you, it feels absolutely horrible.

And of course I'm not silly enough to think that 'Oh! Did everything happen the last few months, were they unreal?' No, because they were so, Oh so true.

Raphael had kissed me, and had went mute around me, I was brutally beaten to the pulp by shredders little princess's blade hilt, and I was laying on something musky scented, freezing cold ground.

God, could life get any better?
No, because if I'm correct, I'm in a cell, which that would've meant I heard the door open.

"Wake up, you freak, master shredder demands to see you."
'Demands' is a fairly strong word, in my case, I'm pretty sure I wasn't a slave, nor was I a dog.

Without moving an inch, a kick was sent to my side, making me wince and trail my eyes to the feet of, none other than the little Cake face herself; Karai.

"I said get up!" She screeched, while I struggled getting to my feet, because of the restraints that were tied harshly around my wrists, covering my hands completely.

Shove after Shove, after shove, and once more, another shove later, I was on my knees in front of a large chair, on top of long red carpet.

Is this their 'fearless' leader, he sits himself cowardly on a thrown, awaiting his duties to be done by his pathetic disciples.

"Thank you, Karai, for bringing our, very required guest." Bringing me?
She basically knocked me out and forced me here! My goodness, he is really stupid.

"Just like you had requested, Master.." Hearing the confident smirky voice was driving me to smack her with my chained hand.

The set of footsteps sounded, and I locked eyes with the deep red ones, which showed so much confidence, as did his daughter's.

"Your quite, needed towards those pathetic turtles, aren't you, Miss Noël?" He chuckled, making me roll my eyes.
"Or, you were." He continued, lifting my chin up to look at him, with his retractable blades.

And, right then I'd probably spit in his face, but because of the tape on my lips, which was very much annoying me.

"Why don't we take this off of your mouth, so I can hear the cockiness in your words, and the disrespect you had used towards my daughter."
He spat, forcefully ripping off the tape from my lips making me groan in pain.

As much as I had wanted to speak, I was just about to speak before he cut me off.

"And now, if you don't mind me asking, Miss Noël, why are you so important to those freaks, it pains me to see you have chosen them, over me." He stated, the fake surprise and hurt in his voice making me laugh

"I hadn't chose any side, Tin head." I snapped, the once described 'cocky attitude' coming in at full speed, making his actually surprise aura show, when he quickly whipped around to look at me, full grin and the attitude was surely to make him frustrated

"How dare you speak to me that way!" He roared, bringing his stupid little blades across my bare arm, only making my smile fade, and my face became blank.

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