Memories Deeply Hidden

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Chapter 30
Please read the end of this chapter for the authors note, you'll understand much clearer later on.
"Mommy! Mommy.. uh.. Mommy--? O-oh.. Your not my mommy.. Umm.. Sorry miss!" The surprisingly-overly-tall-five-year old squeaked, and scurried away from the lady whom she thought was her mother.

The lady who's sleeve she had tugged on earlier had watched the child run away with a concerned look on her face, and began speaking to the cashier to call her manager.

So while her pale red converse had hit the grey tiles, the little girl ran quickly down each isle in search for her mother once again, it would have been quite simple to loose Miss Laura Klark, always scurrying around in such a rush that London had simply tried to secretly reach for the double chocolate chip cookie in the cookie jar, before turning around in halt to no longer see visible sight of her mother.

So during those fretful moments, London had scrambled around the large grocery store in a large horrific rush in attempt to return to her mother and left the blue Tin jar sprawled across the floor while the meat clerk had sighed and begin picking up the now dirty cookie chunks of the floor.

Of course, this young child wouldn't know the difference between good and bad.
Always seeming to get her head in a twist and the outcome always standing in the 'no-go-zone' So in this case, London had just simply been patched as unlucky without even knowing it.

With her loud voice calling out for her mother, the manager had soon come to investigate the scene ongoing with his grocery store and began looking around for the little girl.
That would be an unlikely problem to solve.

Despite how little the girl disliked running, she would run if she needed to, and right now in order to find her mother.

She needed to.

"M-mom! H-hey, m-mommy!! Mom, where are ya'! This isn't funny mom.. Come on, if y-you don't come out f-from your hiding p-place, I'm.. I'm going to uh.."
What would she do? In that moment of threatening London had shed only several tears, and while she hadn't been looking, she collided with a smaller figure; only inches shorter of course.

"O-oh! I'm sorry.. I didn't see you.. Um, are you okay.. Why are you crying?"
The smaller girl blinked her light violet eyes at the blue eyed brown haired child, while London had wanted to spit many questions out about the other girls eyes, she just chose to speak the truth.

"I-- I l-lost my m-mommy.. I don't know where s-she went.. I can't f-find her.." London had hiccuped, to overly emotional while the tears flowed down her cheeks and she furiously wiped them away.

"Oh.." The purple eye'd girl whispered and frowned, hesitantly she scooted closer to London and wrapped her arms around her waist; considering how small she was.

"It's going to be okay.. I can stay with you.. Oh! I can show you all around the store, its cool here! I really like exploring here--" the girls giggled; London at how happily she had changed the subject, and purple girl from how excited she was.

"Ooopsie, i didn't tell you my name.." Her speech was interrupted by giggles
"I-its kind of a funny name, but it's Kitara.. You can call me--" before she could have easily spoke her words out, London had began grinning like she had been given candy and clapped her hands eagerly
"Kitten! I'll call you kitten!"

Kitara had bursted into giggles along with London, who had hugged her new found friend happily.
They had gotten up later, Kitara eagerly tugging London along the stores in quiet footsteps to try and not cause attention.

"So, this is outsidey room.. thingy-ma-jig.. And I come out here a lot, it's quiet.. Nobody wants to come here because the light broke awhile ago.. But I managed to fix it.. And they just closed it off.. So it's just my place!" Kitara had chirped happily, flicking on the light switch while the brightness shone through the old corners and under the big furniture entirely lighting it all up.

"Woaaaahhhh... This is coolness! I like it!!" London's voice had changed pitch, becoming higher from how 'coolness' the situation was.
While only Kitara had smiled, she began hopping around the room, which made London furrow her brows

"Why did I call you kitten.. Your more like a bunny!" She exclaimed wearing a pouty face and crossing her arms over her small chest.

"Hey! I'm not a bunny, I can talk like a kitten, see?" So showing off that she indeed knew how to walk like a kitten, she had been fully successful on making the little brunette roll on the ground laughing.

"Kitten, your so funny! Can we be best friends?" Kitara had stopped jumping and looked over at London, for a minute it had taken her to answer; before she had erupted into a large smile and nodded happily.
"Uh, yes! We're best friends now, and best friends can't leave each other, no way no how!"
London had joyfully been reunited with her mother, while Kitara had hidden in the small clothes rack, she smiled and waved at London.
And while her mother had re opened her arms and taken her daughters hand, London had used her other arm to wave at her newly created friend.
'Bye!' She mouthed, while Kitara had smiled back and mouthed something that had made London nod quickly and smile largely

"Don't forget me! Come back tomorrow, I'll miss you!"

Well damn, I got that over with.
Holy macaroni.
Can you agree that little Londy and Kitara were SO cute!?
I showed my friend the process of the writing and she DIED from how cute it was.
Okay no she didn't, but she was smiling so big and it was so funny.
These are flashbacks, by the way.
Just wanted to let you know!
And I don't know how long these will be, I just had several in mind that'll come soon.
And I wanted to say sorry for how demanding I was in the last chapter.
"Vote for my book, BLAH BLAH'
I was a Hardcore buttface if you ask me.
Anyways I didn't get votes to end the story or continue, so I guess I'll be surprising you all.

Have a good night!
I love you all with every last bit of my heart.
Keep strong, stay happy.
Peace out DJ Sprouts! ✌🏼️
Keep Calm And Be A Ninja! 💂🏻
Savatage out! 😸

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