Talks And A Love Intrest

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Chapter 13
Part One
Slowly I sat down in front of the mats, a old antique grey cup, with a navy blue rim sat on the small wooden boxy table, another cup exactly like that sat beside it, as well as a tea pot looking exactly like the set to.
Splinter shut the paper door soon joining to sit ahead of me.
We had sat in silence for a few seconds before I broke it
"Splinter, if you don't mind me asking.. Why did you call me in here?" My voice had a small worried tone in it scared to know what the answer would be.
"Miss Kitara, I do apologize for snatching you out from your lunch, but I would like to discuss an important feature I had.. Seemed to notice when you had come to stay at our lovely home.."
He started to speak looking at me for a sign that I was listening or not, I nodded in response as he continued "Ever since you had, come to visit Raphael had seemed to lighten his mood, my son seems to be more calm about situations that would normally bother him.. I have been keeping a hypothesis to myself for such a long time, ever since we had met you.. Miss Kitara. And I do believe you are the cause of my sons lightening of his mood."
Splinters words seemed to take me by shock slightly, confused I cocked my head to the side raising my eyebrow
"What do you mean, Splinter, How have I changed Raphael's emotions..?"
He chuckled,
"Raphael seems to be.. More joyous around you, Kitara. He fights less and less with Leonardo, The average amount of time Michelangelo and Raphael seem to brawl, has decreased. I have also seen him speaking with Donatello more often than usual.. The mention of your name grows at a enormous rate, and Raphael's face seems to brighten with a crimson colour when you are mentioned.. Therefore I assume, some bond is growing with the two of you, yes?" The whole situation made my face heat up, but I managed to keep my voice steady.
"Yes, splinter.. Raphael and I have payed more time to bond with each other, I seem to have this.. I don't know how to explain it, attraction, towards him.. And whenever his emotional fly with negativity I seem to have the urge to swoop into the discussion and help, because he would do the same for me, Splinter."
I concluded gazing down towards my hands fiddling with my pale fingers.
"I see.. Is it the same attraction Donatello has for Miss O'Niel?" I hadn't known who he was talking about, an 'Miss O Niel'? I've never heard the lastname.. Not ever.
"I'm sorry splinter, but.. I'm not sure who this O'Niel lady is.. So I do not know if I feel the same affection for Raphael." He simply nodded
"Very well, I am sure you'll meet Miss O'Niel soon, you may depart my room Miss Kitara.. If you need me I should be in my room." He concluded changing his position to resemble into a meditation pose, slowly I rose from my mat and moved towards the door, looking back at the rat I spoke
"I do believe you are not incorrect about your assumption, Raphael seems to be a nice boy." I slide the door open and stepped out closing it behind me.
Slowly I walked out into the main room now seeing almost all four boys, Raphael had been sitting in his normal spot reading a comic book, Michelangelo sat close to the TV watching closely not moving a muscle, Donatello sat on the side of the large blue couch a laptop rested on his lap.
Leonardo was the one not to be seen, I continued my slow pace without being seen into the kitchen, and surprisingly as I had expected, Leo had been rubbing the white bowls with a old grey rag with lots of stains imbedded into the elderly fabric.
I was surprised how much a place in the abandoned sewers could look so nice, each and every little object had its own colour and shape, sized perfectly and looked as if it hadn't been touched for ages.
But the one thing that caught my eye was a black and white picture, on the old greyish fridge.
Walking closer towards it I soon noticed it was a hand drawn picture of the turtles and their Sensai, whomever drew it must have some skill.
"Don drew that, he's got some secret talent when it comes to drawing.. Well I guess it's not so secret, considering he draws blueprints for his inventions."
Leonardo spoke causing my brain to go pop, what I mean by that was, well I wasn't listening..
"Oh, well he's a fairly decent drawer.. And Uh, what are you doing?" I asked Leo already knowing the answer, curse my stupidity.
He chuckled
"Oh, you know.. The usually, smashing bowls and bending forks to look like knives." Rolling my eyes he laughed
"Washing the dishes, It's my turn anyway." I nodded walking over to the sink were he placed a bowl into the dish rack, one by one he placed until he was completely finished.
Wiping his hands on a dry cloth, he rung the dish washing towel and set it to lay on top of the sink.
"So, what was the real reason you came in here, Kitara?" Jumping right to the point I blushed rubbing the back of my neck in embarrassment,
"Uhh.. Have you been, umm.. Noticing anything weird about Raphael lately? Anything out of the blue that he normally wouldn't do..?" Hesitant to ask my question, I still did, I needed answers.
He raised his eye ridge, considering he didn't have eyebrows.
"Yeah, he's been acting nicer towards Mikey, fights less with me.. And seems to talk with Donnie more than he does reading anymore.. I dot know why though.. It's like he's had a change in scenery wanting to be let out of his cage."
I nodded "Thanks, what are you four doing now, just chilling?" He laughed
"Yea, I guess you could say that.. Up until six thirty, when we go up for patrol." Leo started walking towards the entrance of the kitchen
"Coming?" He asked turning to look at me, I nodded quickly jogging to be beside him as we fled the kitchen.
This time it was Donatello who wasn't there, Mike was still watching the tv closely and Raph was reading his comic book.
Leo made his way over towards the dojo, most likely to meditate or practice like Raphael had told me before, He vanished the scene into the dojo.
I was taken out of my thoughts by a bunch of yelling, "NOOOOO NOT GREYLORD!" Mikey's voice shouted followed by another shout
"MIKEY SHUT UP!" Raphael of course.
Another shout "I CANT CONCENTRATE WITH ALL THIS YELLING!" Donatello probably, I sighed shaking my head as there was a slam of a door.
The door of Donatello's lab, I slowly made my way towards the room knocking lightly on the metal strip waiting for an answer, "No Raph, I'm busy go away." Don grumbled and I heard some loud pounding of metal against metal, slowly I opened the door stepping in as I closed it behind myself, a growl left the purple masked turtle and he spoke loudly---

This is part two, because I wanted to fit another long marathon ^=^ soooooo! Yep hope you enjoyed part one next comes part two!
Cya Chikas!
Peace out DJ Sprouts!
Keep Calm And Be A Ninja! 💂
Savatage Out!

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