The End, more or less..

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May,29. 2019
Photo above: Akashi (HQ!)
Credit: Myself

It should have been known how long we could have stayed together, from the loud shouts and screaming down the hallway in the lair, the boys soon picked up on it as well.
I dreaded it, every moment that Raph seemed to burst into a irrotational fit of frustration, why it was irritating?
Because it happened again, again and.. Again.

It was arguments from not visiting as often as I could, to spending much more quality time with the his brothers, draping my coat or my sweaters along the wooden bed post in his room.. I never thought Raphael would be some clean, obsessive guy. Practically I would have taken Leo to be the acceptation of my statement.

After every concluding event we managed to go through, it always seemed to end in a series of arguments on what happened, and if you want to go through a building conflict with a fiery tempered pre-adult turtle, be my flipping guest.
However, my mistake was to listen to his plans for transferring my house essentials here–which for your information would include my food, clothing, elemental books and some old family abandoned merchandise.

Unfortunately during every argument, he would grab something of importance–out of pure rage, might I add– and smash it to the ground, or rip the books pages, and boy was I not impressed.
While Raphael seemed the best time to pick one of his childish hissy fits to burst, was always near evening, or midnight when I arrived back. He seemed to stir his brothers from their sleep, and I had to conclude my side of the argument which triggered the downfall of entirely waking them up.

Calling bullcrap now, are we?
No, sorry but this description of the last.. Three and a half years, isn't over just yet.

When our arguments seemed to last an hour to an hour and a half it never really phased anybody, he would return to his room and I would go to the couch. But as the days got longer, and everything began to become more stressful with my possessions being shattered by a rage filled turtle, four out of five males began to sense that I was already having enough of the ignorant attitude Raphael was pushing towards me.

The summer of 2015 was harsh, the weather of course. Our arguments were small and short, my objects were beginning to shorten on the amount I had before. Raphael seemed to get along with my abnormal return times but only grumbled about it as he stalked off to bed when I re entered the lair.
Then came September, October, November and the return of December was approaching. Christmas was exactly was it was last year, minus the weird romantic vibe. Because I decided to stay around London's wonderful Christmas themed apartment.

The beginning of 2016 caused slight conflict, I was rarely returning to the lair which began to cause Raphael a obnoxious amount of tension. When I returned at the end of January, beginning of February– a quarter of my stuff books, and some fairly important glass cups were mashed into the garbage can. That's were he tried to hide it.
Valentine's Day was awkward, I once again spent the day out with London, because Raphael wasn't in the mood to do anything romantic. (And it didn't surprise me.)

I found my old friend Jakob roaming the streets of New York, though his friend with the little chameleon had not been see skipping beside the boy.
At first it seemed odd without the loud boy beaming his English slang and proper speech when I went to greet Jakob.
The three of us shared smiles like we had the first day of meeting, I was glad to have another old friend reunited with.. It seemed like things would eventually get better.
Though I was insanely wrong, my life I had abandoned with Raphael was refusing to die down.

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