The Newest Member Of The Friendship

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Chapter 7
I glared at my friend and my cat, of course London had decided to stay over for the weekend, yes I love her and all, she's an amazing friend.. But I was the one who had to pick her up that Friday, after she drank to much alcohol.. She would NOT stop talking when I had picked her up and walked her to my place, not knowing where in New York London lives only left the first option.
"London.. Leave.. Felix... Alone..."
I grumbled rubbing my temples in annoyance
She looked at me with a pout
"Come on Kitten! I'm just having fun.. Why don't you ever want to have fun? Seriously! This is hilarious, like when I meow he meows.. And when he meows I meow! It's so c--" i cut her off with a large groan
"Shaaaaaaaadddduuuuppppppppp Loooonnnnnddddooooooonnnnnnnn!!!" I moaned putting two pillows to my ears to block out her voice
And of course the cat meowed back, and so on.. And on.. And on... Almost for two hours...
"ALRIGHT! LETS GO. WERE GETTING ICECREAM. MY TREAT LETS GO YEP LETS GO!" I shouted getting up to my feet and sprinting for the exit hurrying out.
She squealed happily, "OOOH! I love Ice cream!" She chased after me, shutting the door behind her.
This will be a LONG weekend.
>/Little bit of walking in the sewers and up ladder, down the street Later\<
"What do you want, What kind London?" I asked a bit irritated, considering that my friend wouldn't shut her mouth the entire way here..
"OOH! I want.. Hmm.. Cookies and cream and cookie dough!" She stayed excitedly.
"Hello miss, welcome to the frosty cream, what would you like.." The cashiers monotone voice asked unamused, "Uh, could I please get one medium scoop of cookies and cream, the other cookie dough.. Annd... Could I get a chocolate shake." My irrational voice wearing off I tried to speak politely, "It'll just take a few minutes Mam," and with that he made his way to the back, to get our icecream situated.
London sat on the stool, spinning in circles humming a tune that was on the radio, everybody in the place had been looking at my over hyper friend with annoyance, "London.. stop.. Your drawing attention.." I grumbled looking at her, she of course didn't take it seriously, giggling she looked at me "Ahh common kitten, don't be such a Debby downer!" I groaned quietly face palming.
The cashier came back with my milkshake and London's ice cream cone, "There you go, $12.54 Please."
I handed him my money grabbing my milkshake as London grabbed her ice cream and licked it happily.
Being the beginning of November its starting to snow at times, keeping my jacket close to me, we contained to walk. "Where do you want to go next, London?"
"Mmm.. I dunno..." She thought for a few seconds trying to find a place we could hang out, besides my house.
Her eyes brightened looking like she had a lightbulb flashing in them
"OOOHH! Let's go to the park!!" She squealed with delight running forwards to the park.
I sighed in frustration jogging after her..
Sitting on the swing facing London on the play ground equipment she ran through tunnel to tunnel, climbing to the top of the tower laughing joyously, "That your friend?" A new voice asked from behind me, I took the straw out of my mouth and looked behind my shoulder, so surprisingly see non other than Jake.
She chuckled "Yeah, she's a nutcase, I gotta stay the whole weekend with her.." He laughed "I feel yeah, my friend is staying over aswell.." Just then a boy with light blonde bushy eyebrows, blonde hair that went slightly over his eyes and dark green eyes came running in with a little lizard perched on his shoulder, he skidded to a stop by Jake.
Jake sighed, "Kitara, Arthur. arthur Kitara.. This is the one who's staying with me this weekend, Kitten."
I looked at Arthur and nodded, "Nice to meet you." I greeted "Same to ya' love!" His British accent was thick and he smiled brightly
Jake chuckled "Arthur moved here from England, he's more of a happy gabby guy.. Talks non stop and won't stop smiling.." Jake glanced at his friend crossing his arms, "I've had experience.." He grumbled.
I laughed "Yeah, I know how you feel.. My friend London never stops laughing, talking or smiling.. So if she does its like the end of the world." We all shared a laugh, just then a loud scream came from the playground tunnels, quickly I snapped my gaze to look at the equipment seeing a screaming London run out from the tunnel and coming to hide behind myself, now there's only one thing that can scare London, a jump scare, somebody scaring here themselves or spiders. If I narrow it down.. It leaves the spider.
I raised my eyebrow "Spider?" I asked with a smirk
She nodded scared, I laughed
"A spider!?!? Hurting the fair madden? Why I shall slay the horrible beast!" Arthur exclaimed running into the tunnel hearing his yelling of various things
"Get back you dirty varmint!"
And just after that, he walked out, wearing a large toothy grin on his face, i heard London squeal in delight from behind me, she ran up to Arthur and wrapped him in a huge bone crushing hug.
"Oh thank you! Thank you thank you thank you!! You saved my life!" I looked at Arthur's now red face, I couldn't tell if that was from the blush, or him being nearly suffocated by a hug, but he did have his arms wrapped around her.. The lizard looked at London carefully staying closely to Arthur.
"My pleasure madam! But it would be very kind of you to release me from the bone crushing embrace your giving me at this moment.." London immediately released a pink tint on her checks she giggled looking at me she mouthed 'I like him' and it was my turn to laugh.
Of course she does.
After along time of chatting and getting to know each other, I knew that London and Arthur were like, Identical twins.
She liked to be happy, laugh and talk.
And so did he.
They ended up making a frozen sand castle.. By that I mean that the sand was frozen by the time they had made it, being November and all.
Jakob and I sat on the bench and talked.
"What's your favourite colour?
He proceeded to ask me
"Orange, You?"
"Blue, What do you take interest in a guy?"
That question caught me of guard
"W-what?" I asked surprised, he lush he'd nervously running a hand in his silky black hair.
"I Uh.. Said.. What do you take interest in a guy.. Kitten.." He murmured deep red blotches of blush on his face, I giggled "Hmm, a guy who is sweet.. Can make me laugh pretty well.. Possibly a bad boy? He won't have such a horrible attitude.. And drives a motorcycle, Yep.. He needs to drive a motorcycle to win my heart."
He smiled at that "So you want a bad boy-motorcycle driving- laughable- sweet-non-attitude guy?" He confirmed
"Yep!" I smiled
"Hmm.. Sounds like a pretty cool dream guy.." He said wiggling his eyebrows making me burst into a for of laughter
"S-so, what do you like in a g-girl?" I asked through my laughter.
"Hmm, hard to say.. Maybe something along the lines of your dream guy, but as a female? Maybe not the bad boy part.. But a rebel? Who can jump out of her comfort zone at anytime.. Can be loving and shy when she wants.. Maybe somebody like... you.."
By the way! This is what Kit, And London look like as actual non anime people!
(Jennifer Lawrance, And Taylor Swift!)
Now for Arthur and the lizard, like in the chappie, the lizard was sitting on his shoulder.. so his name is Mint.
And that's Arthur.
He has no famous reputation, I just searched "Boy with blonde hair and green eyes" and Bam. I got him.
NOW! |
This chappie is dedicated to my best friend, @BreezyLovesBen!
She was the one who inspired me to write this book xP and she's my New Norkian Buddy! And she was the first person the read this book :)
Love yah girl.
Peace out DJ Sprouts!
Keep calm and be a ninja! 💂
Savster out!

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