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«Kitara's POV»

Concentrate.. Lift right hand, Swish!

Good, now twirl..swish...flick!

The fire swirled around me while I moved my hands in a circular motion rising up from the torches I have around my lair, I was Completely focused until something, or rather SOMEONE broke the silence.


A very obnoxiously loud voice boomed through my home making me loose control and sending the flames I had active all around the room

"WOAHHHHH AHHHH CRAZY LADY IS TRYING KILL ME WITH FIRE!!" the voice screamed again while he ran around the room dodging my fire that had tried to latch onto his green body.

Wait did I say.. Oh jeez..

The more I concentrated on the figure running around being chased by my no longer under control fire balls I noticed his appearance is quite different than one I've ever seen.. He's green,has a mask, and carries nun-chucks. I swished my hand in many complex ways attempting to sooth the fire that was gaining closer and closer to the turtle, and as I expected it did die down and exploded into little ashes falling to the ground making more mess for me to clean up later.

Not mentioning that intruder trashed my place in the process of running around avoiding my fireballs..

I groaned and snapped my head to the teenager who caused all this mess,

"Was it REALLY Necessary to destroy my house in the progress of running away from fire?" I asked cockily but respectful at the same time. "Heh.. Sorry dudette.. BUT THAT WAS SO COOL! HOW'D YOU DO THAT!! ARE YOU A MAGICIAN?" He asked loudly and most importantly annoyingly.

I groaned slapping my hand on my face,

"No. I'm certainly NOT a magician.. Now why are you in my home anyways.."

I asked annoyed as ever, I guess a girl can't have her privacy without being intruded by somebody.

He stretched out his green index finger and pointed directly to the exit.. Which there happened to be THREE more of those turtle mutant things.. I mentally shot myself not wanting to deal with not one but THREE more turtles! Man I hope they have different personalities..

"And how can I help you, you know you've already discovered my home.. And decided to waltz in here without an invite.. what next you want me to offer you dinner and let you sleep over?"

I snapped at the four, the one from earlier seemed to perk up a little bit

"ooh do you have pizz- OW! what the shell Raph.." The orange one got cut off in mid sentence because the red one slapped him in the back of his head with a smirk he turned back to face me and 'dusted' off his hands.

I chuckled and then the blue one spoke

"Sorry about my brother.." He glanced at the boy, before continuing "We were on our way looking in the sewers.. When MIKEY.. Decided to go over to this door for a break, but leaned to far and it opened the door to your lair.. curiosity got the best of us and this is were it took us.." He explained gesturing to my home.

"Huh.. I see, well I guess since your here you've been walking pretty far, Yes?"

They all nodded, I chuckled and gestured for them to follow me, We made our way to the kitchen area jumping on the stones that made my path in the large rivers that surrounded my training area in the middle of the room, as soon as I entered the kitchen I opened up the refrigerator and pulled out two boxes of left over pizza from last night

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