Housing Tour And Fire Bending

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Chapter 11
(Right picture is the dojo, and second is how Kitara was standing when the fire bending started, Ignore the outfit..)

As soon as i entered the room my mouth gaped open and I stood at the door, eyes wide "Wooooaaaahhhh.." I whispered in aw.
"Pretty fancy Huh?" He asked wearing his normal smirk I nodded looking around, weapons hung up on the walls, small little shelves with pictures.. And a large blossom tree, no idea how that got there, but it's awesome any how.
I returned my eyes back towards Raph who had now gotten a smaller pair of weapons like his, weren't they called sais.. Or something?
Raph made his way towards me, placing the weapons in my hands "I'll show you the basics. You know, if you want to that is.." He offered, I nodded holding them in my palms like I usually seen him hold them.
He smirked, pulling his own pair out in the same way I had thought he held his, I was right!
"Alright, so what your going to do is hold the sais like you are now, then your going to switch the blade of the Sai, so it faces your feet.."
He quickly spun it in his hand, the blade now facing his feet. I slowly mimicked his moves, of course slower because I'm not exactly used to using weapons often. "Good, now tilt the Sai slightly and jab!" He did as he said and jabbed the air harshly, man.. I wouldn't want to be the one to have that blade in my throat..
As I did with the first step i repeated his actions slowly jabbing the air
"Awesome, Kitten! Your a natural!" He exclaimed with a real smile, a glint in his eyes shone bright
I blushed "eheh.. Thanks" i murmured looking at the small objects in my hand, they soon were taken away by Raph and set back on the little rack.
My turn.
"Hey, wanna try my kinda fighting now?" I asked curiously, sure I knew that he couldn't use elements.. But I want to show him the hand gestures..
"But I can't actually do what you do, Kitten." He stated I shrugged
"I'll show you the hand gestures.. If you want?" He sighed giving in as he returned to his place in front of me, I raised my hands, and he repeated.
Slowly moving them in circle the fire had soon came intact with my soul, don't screw up.. You can't burn this place down.
He copied my movement focusing his eyes on my hands and I kept my focused on the little casting gesture.
I moved down slightly as the fire soon moved out and danced around, he copied once again, i took a deep breath, now moving them slightly faster the fire had soon took its place in a circle hovering above the ground.
Soon to be mimicked again, I leaned over slightly continuing to move my hands gracefully throughout the air, the fire soon spread apart and shaped itself into a large line and danced once again around the room, i was to focused on my work that I didn't realize if he had been copying me or not. But I had kept going until the fire had finally died down, snapping out of my daze I looked at Raphael who had his mouth gaped open "Woah.. Kitten that was.. Wow! That was amazing!" He exclaimed throwing his arms in the air I blushed, shrugging lightly "I've been practicing.."
"Miss Kitara, I am shocked that you have completed the element of fire, when you had told me that you could not present the element of Fire.." Splinter's voice said shocked, I slowly turned towards the older rat a blush of embarrassment on my cheeks, I spoke truthfully "Splinter, I know the basics of fire bending, but I am not very good at it.. I apologize if I have upset you.." He frowned "My child, it is quite alright, I under it is difficult to bend certain elements.. You do not need to be sorry, for it is my fault that I have jump to conclusions." I laughed "It's alright, I don't hold grudges.. Often" I smiled which made him laugh "Ah, you are a funny one miss Kitara, very funny indeed, I should be in my room if you request my assistance." He turned around and walked into his room shutting the paper door behind him.
"Well, what do you want to do now?" I was brought back into the real world from Raph's voice.
"Hmmmm.." I stroked my non existent beard making him laugh
"Why don't you show me around? Then I'll cook you guys some lunch? considering it's almost time noon."
He chuckled, "you don't need to cook, but yeah sure, I'll show you around.. This your in right now is the dojo, were splinters trains us, and lets us spare and practice on our own time.. Usually Leo is in here meditating.." He gestured to the place under the un blossomed tree, I nodded and we walk out the door downstairs and stopped by the living room area. "This is were we chill out sometimes, watch some tv. I'm most likely reading a comic book.." He trailed off turning around to head towards the kitchen, I was kind of curious to why he didn't say what he want to say.. Maybe it's so hard for him.. I'll ask Donatello later.
"The kitchen, were we eat.. Obviously.. And we're some cereal stealers roam.." He stated looking at me with a evil glare making me smile sheepishly.
He turned back around and walk out, towards a room with large slide door, he knocked hearing a 'come in' from inside he slid the door open to reveal a large laboratory I looked around curiously walking towards a small robot head, I picked it up looking it over "Hey Raph, what do you need?" Don asked not realizing the fact that i was there yet, "Showing Kitara around, what are you doing?" Raph replied as I set the robot head down and picked up a small picture frame.
It had pink hearts on a purple frame with a picture of a redhead girl, bright blue eyes and freckles on her cheeks, pale red lips and a perfect nose.
Typical girl any man would want.
I shook my head setting the frame down as I glanced at the spiny chair near a desk, my smiled widened "OOOOH!" I squealed happily running towards it jumping onto the padded seat, the chair rushed across the room going straight for wall, "KITARA WATCH OUT!" The two boys yelled
I giggled soon getting close the wall, i shoved my legs onto the wall and pushed myself back towards the two stopping beside Donatello I smiled "This is your lab, I guessing right? Where you spend your entire life here because this is what you love to do..?" I asked happily he raised his eye ridge but nodded "Yeah..." He trailed off weirded out, I smiled at the look, turning my attention to Raph.
"Let the tour continue!" I shouted running out of the lab, before sticking my head back in "Nice seeing you don! Have fun.. On whatever your doing!" I called running back out.
Soon after Raphael and Donatello had come out of the lab, their face looked weirded out seeing me hanging off the stair case, Leonardo and Michelangelo had being under me, Leo holding a stop watch timing how long I had hung upside down.
"Annnnnnddd... Thirty five minutes! Wow.. Your on a roll!" Luckily I wasn't wearing anything that is inappropriate, my shirt had slightly went up showing my belly button but I was fine with it, my jeans fit perfectly so I was fine so far.
"Uhhh, your hanging upside down.. But why?" Donnie asked in disbelief
"Dudes she has a better record than leo!" Mikey shouted happily "Uh no Mikey, actually mine was--" he was cut off with a loud beeping noise "Beaten!" Mikey cheered making me laugh.
~Atleast an hour later~
"A hour.. An 55 minutes.. Kitara HOW are you doing this?!?" Leo asked in pure disbelief I shrugged with a smile
"I dunno Leo, just something I got in me" I giggled making my shoulders bounce.
The scene before me was hilarious.
Leo was laying on his plastron looking at the stop watch, Mikey was laying on his shell watching me, Raph kept my eye contact the entire time just incase if I was in distress and fell, and Donnie was looking at me in shock.
"Yer' insane Kitten." Raph commented rolling his eyes.

I hadent noticed my eyes started to close of pure sleepiness, awhile later I was woken up by a loud beeping sound
"Two hours and twenty minutes." Leo shouted waking me up, my eyes flashed open quickly looking around.
Only did leo and Donnie's position changed, Raphael had still been keeping an eye on me and Mikey had been watching me with a large smile.
"Dudette you fell asleep! *laugh* that's hilarious! You were taking in your sleep too, you were all like 'Raph..'" He exclaimed laughing, Donnie and Leo had soon joined on the laughing, while Raph's face turned a bright red. "Mikey I swear... If ya' don't shut yer' trap I'll shut it for you!" He shouted hitting his brother in the head, now it was my turn to laugh.
I broke into a fit of giggles, my legs felt like slipping and I stopped, "Leo! Stop the timer.. My legs are slipping!" I squeaked trying to reach for the bar, but I couldn't.
I felt myself being lifted up right into a bridal style position, seeing Raphael made me more safe.
I felt like I could do anything when I was with him..
I'm falling for my friend..

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Number two of three of le marathon of awesomeness!
Hope you amazing ninjas enjoyed this one!
Who do you guys ship?
Raph and Kitara?
Leo and Kitara?
Or Jakob and Kitara?
Who who who?
Comment :3
Peace out DJ Sprouts!
Keep Calm And Be A Ninja!💂
ѕαναтαgє συт!

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