Crazy Driver,Tree Cutting And Christmas Decor

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Chapter 22

(Continuing off of 21)


I screamed loudly, as leo just barley dodged a pedestrian
"I thought you said you knew how to drive!" I screeched, holding onto Raph for dear life.
"I do! But that old lady just came out of no where!" Leo responded completely awestruck to know that old people cross the streets.
"Well open your eyes better Leo! Your going to kill me before we can even set up for Christmas!" I exclaimed hugging Raph tighter
"Yeah, and if ya keep hugging me any tighter, your gunna kill me!" Raph gasped, and I quickly loosened my grip, but not to much.
"So dudette, your like, afraid of being in a vehicle?" Mikey asked as I widened my eyes
"With Leonardo driving!" I shrieked as we turned a sharp corner, leo groaned
"I'm not that bad!-- WOAH!" He shouted slamming on the breaks, luckily Raph was strapped into his seat by the seatbelt, and my iron grip I went no where.
Thank god..

"Just like I said.. I don't like being in a car-- HEY! This is where we have to be!" I smiled quickly releasing my grip as I slid the doors open.
My smile only got larger seeing the large amount of pine trees lined up, growing perfectly I squealed
"Let's go find us a awesome tree!" I called running into the tree farm.

"Wait! Kitara slow down!" Donnie shouted as I heard their footsteps get closer.
"Not this one, to bulky.. This ones to short.. To pointy, to bare.." I continued judging the trees while the boys walked behind me confused
"And why do we need a tree exactly?" Leo asked confused while the other three nodded.
"Because we need to decorate it, Duhh." I said like it was obvious, stopping completely as my eyes shone at the most perfect Christmas tree ever.
It was a medium sized, atleast 5 feet taller than Donatello himself, it wasn't too prickily or to bare and it wasn't too bulky or small! It was absolutely perfect
"This one. This is the one, oh my goodness it's amazing!" I squealed and turned to the boys.
"Got a chainsaw, or just a saw or something?"
Slowly the three boys turned to donnie, as he shrugged shaking his head no
"Sorry.. I didn't know we were cutting trees down.." He chuckled nervously

I frowned sadly
"Oh, hmm.. Just stay here, and I'll go buy one from a shop!" I called as I took off again, running towards the exit and down the street.


"No sir, I'm not crazy.. I need that chainsaw because I'm cutting down a tree for Christmas! Now can I just give you the money so I can have it! Pleeeeaaassseee?" I begged wearing the puppy eyes, what can I say? Christmas has some sort of trance on me.
"I told ya' girl, I ain't giving you this here saw unless ya' give me some identification." He grumbled crossing his beefy arms, I sighed.
"Come on, seriously I ran at least two blocks to get here! Please can I just buy it! I really need it sir, be in the Christmas spirit!" I exclaimed flaring my arms around trying to prove my point.
"My final answer is no lady, so if ya don't give me some ID I'm gonna have to ask ya to leave." The chubby man frowned, obviously frustrated.
I sighed, turning around I started to walk away until I bumped into somebody, my small figure fell to the ground with a thud, the black polished shoes of the person stood there while wearing blueish pants..
"Is there a problem, officer?" The beefy cash register mans voice asked, a little bit on edge.
"Not unless you would give this young lady what she asked for, and then everything here could be forgotten, Fredrick." The Officer spoke sternly, extending his hand towards me I looked up at him
"Names officer Ryan, I do apologize for bumping into you like that." I took his hand hesitant and he lifted me up, shaking it in the process I smiled softly
"Kitara, and it's a pleasure to meet you, Officer Ryan." The man chuckled, taking the chainsaw with a small red canister most likely filled with gas, handing the money to that Fredrick guy, we walked out into the cold December air.
"Need a lift kid? I heard what you said, running two blocks here for a silly chain saw.." I shrugged slightly
"If your willing to, Officer.. That would be lovely." He laughed
"Oh kid, you don't have to be formal with me, hop in." I sat in the front of the car, surprisingly he didn't object as he set the items in the back seat.
The car door shut and he turned the ignition key to the right, and the car came to life, pulling his leaver into drive he drove off.
We stayed in silence, obviously not wanting to make it awkward, so I just didn't talk.
A few minutes we were parked in front of the tree farm and the officer turned to me, wearing a small smile
"I trust you won't be cutting them all down, will ya kid?" He joked pulling the screen from the back and he lifted the things to the front, handing them to me.
I laughed shaking my head
"No, of course not. Just going to get the tree and go! Thank you so much.. Merry Christmas!" I called as I started walking back down the path.
"You too kid!" He called back and drove away.

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