Are locking My doors Necessary?

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Sorry dudes, my updating is like.. decreasing at a large rate.. ;-; I'm sorry!

I'll try to update once a week if I can.. Maybe twice, I don't know.
(Chapter Five!)
^ Because it wouldn't fit in the title!

Everything seemed to go into place after London decided to have her little chasing game, i ended up winning hiding under a couch.

She decided to leave a little while after that, to go home to her 'posse' because it's a movie night for her family and herself, while I on the other hand just stay at my home


Hour after hour did it continue, only until my gut had a feeling that somebody had to be watching me..

I spun around quickly glancing from wall to wall, corner to corner


Not one single thing to prove that somebody was there, maybe I'm just hallucinating.. thinking that something is watching me.. but whatever it is really isn't watching me, My training is making my brain go bonkers.

I was cut off from my thoughts from a sudden force that made me collide my face with the uncomfortable feeling of cement, hearing a 'crunch' I most likely hit my nose.

My prediction seemed to be correct seeing the Crimson red liquid seep from my nose, perfect, I thought.

That's exactly what I need..

"Heh, not bad at training.. but maybe you should work on trying to see the open and unlocked door." The familiar voice said cockily, I could tell that he was wearing a smirk, just by the way he'd said it.


The boy sure likes to not knock, That's for sure.

"Looks like I have three problems, one; your breaking into my lovely home, two; your crushing my nose.. and three; your CRUSHING ME!" i exclaimed raising my voice for the last two words, showing emphasis by attempting to wave my arms around, only to be caught by Raphael's grip on my back. that grip quickly released.

"Uh, you.. uh.. you doing alright?" I could see he was avoiding to give me an apology, considering that fact that he's more or less not much of a 'hey! I crushed your face with my fat foot, but I'm just not the guy to say sorry!' Yeah, that makes sense.

I groaned flipping over from my stomach onto my back to face the mutant turtle.

"Yep, I'm just peachy. I've always dreamed of getting my nose crushed by a mutant turtle! my number one wish.." I spoke my voice laced with sarcasm, he chuckled squatting down so he could get a better look at my face without hunching his head over to look at me.

We stared at each other, setting my bleeding nose aside, the two of us kept our eyes focused on each other, his piercing neon green eyes made my light violent eyes look like nothing, his eyes were mesmerizing.. I couldn't stop looking at them, But I had to.

I shook my head lightly loosing my day dreaming faze, as soon as I had done that Raphael had snapped out of it too.

"Uh sorry.. it's just... your eyes... they're... they're so..." I fumbled with my words, what the hell was I doing! Don't be a fool you idiot, say something! anything to get this awkward situation to be gone!

I screamed to myself scolding my idiotic ness.

He seemed amused by my word fumbling. I squeezed my eyes shut and let out a shaky breath

"They're gorgeous.." it almost came out as a whisper, the cute thing I had just realized that he was blushing, and blushing madly.

"Uh huh.. I um.. th-Thanks.. I-I guess.." Now it was my turn to be amused.

His blush and the fumbling of his words made him look almost like.. he as adorkable. You know.. The cross mix between 'Dork' and 'Adorable'

I snickered, "Now mister blushy turtle, why don't you give me a hand to get myself cleaned up, Hmm?" I asked with a small grin, adding in the 'blushy turtle' part made him turn a larger amount of the crimson colour. I laughed and he extended his large three figured hand towards my petite five figures hand, engulfing the entire thing he yanked me up making me smack into his hard plastron.

I grunted at the impact, my face turning a light shade of pink and he immediately backed away letting my hand go, "Oh Kit.. I'm sorry, I didn't know you were that light!" he exclaimed wide eyed, only making me laugh "Raph, you make it sound like you had thrown me across the room!"

He chuckled nervously

"Heh, sorry.. you know I should go.. I'll see you later... Later Kit!" He shouted running towards the correct door and running out closing the exit behind him.

I rolled my eyes getting a paper towel to put onto my nose to wait for the bleeding to stop, my mind traveled from different things; Movies, dogs, my magic, to finally stopping at one thing.



*talks in a awesome narrator voice*

Bonjour! My ninja-y friends! Le update brings you Miss KITARA thinking about random things.. Having a break in from Mr, Hamato Raphael!

What will happen!?!?

With she fall in love? Or will she blow him off for another?


*Narrator sulks away sadly muttering insults as he left*

Hehe.. Well, anyways.. That's that!

I had a photo attached of the boys in ninja stealth mode.

I'm pretty sure it's only Leo, Mikey and Raph.

Donnie wasn't in the shot >.>

Meh, don't matter.


I'm heading to bed.. I had to write this chapter with a crazy finger biting hamster running around trying to jump off the desk.. (I wouldn't even ask.. Unless you want me to PM you the story.. Then.. Just comment pm meh)


If you guys are bored and wanting to role play, I'm INLOVE with roleplaying! so just give me a message and I'll come! unless I'm sleeping.. Or at school.. Then not then! XD

Ttyl Ninja DJ sprouts!

Keep Calm And Be A Ninja! 💂

Savster out!

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