A New Friend?

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Enjoy the long chapter!
If there is any mistakes in this chapter, I'm sorry I was in a rush to publish this for you :-)
Chapter Six
"Oh pleeeeeeeeeeeassseeee kit! Please oh please just try it on!"
"London.. I told you. NO!"
rolling her eyes she slumped onto the couch. "Partypooper.."
Of Course being the crazy best friend she is, London attempted to get me into a kitten costume, the little black ears, tail and even face paint to match. Of course I had said no, I wasn't much to dress up for a "Halloween Party" more specifically I Didn't even feel like going to a party, it was a late event!
"Uuuuuuuggghhhhh!!!" London groaned in frustration sprawling herself on the large three seat sofa, I decided to ignore her, lighting some small scented candles to get rid of the Odor in the large unground smelly area, bad idea.
And continued to make loud disturbing sounds, varying from groans, grunts and loud squeals.
"GAHH! what do you want!!" I shouted eyebrows furrowed in frustration, throwing my arms into the air. She smirked "Ahah! I knew if I did that it'd get your attention!" She chirped happily, rolling my eyes I started getting a little impatient.
"London. What. Do. You. Want." I demanded sounding frustrated as well as angry.
Her smile got larger, "Oooooh! you should totally go the party with me! it'll be great come on, please! just this once or I won't stop bugging you! please please please ple--" I slapped my hand over her mouth glaring at her
"Will you shut up?"
She nodded and a muffled 'yes' came from under my hand, knowing London she won't lock my hand knowing that it has germs on it.
I groaned "Fine.. but just this once! only this one time.. you know how I feel going up in public.." I ended up mumbling the last part, not wanting her to hear.
She squealed happily and ripped my hand off her mouth, throwing the cat costume towards me
"Yay yay yay! OOH yeah I'm not a loner woo hoo!" she cheered happily jumping around like a crazy little girl on a sugar rush, Nope London is a little crazy girl on a sugar rush.
Rolling my eyes I walked to my bathroom taking a quick shower so my hair wouldn't look like it hasn't been washed in awhile, my skin ended up being a light red being as I had turned the water heat up to hot.
I pulled on my black jeans, grey long sleeve shirt and ran a brush through my hair multiple times trying my hardest to get the clumps of hair to untangle and cooperate, there was a pounding at the door
"HURRY HURRY HURRY KIT! WERE GUNNA BE LATE" London demanded most likely in her costume already
"Don't expect me to enjoy this party." I grumbled
She laughed and I heard her purposely loud footsteps fade letting me know she had left the corridor.
Slipping the cat ears onto my head, and the little tail around my waist sticking the velcro pieces together I looked into the mirror.
I growled at the girl to looked back at me, the same scowl on my face that matched the face on the glass, petty excuse for a costume if you ask me.
I rolled my eyes for the largest amount today and twisted the shiny door nob to the right opening the door, shutting the light off and walking out.
I continued to walk down the hallway until I ended up in the main room seeing London chasing my small cat around, of course the feline saw me and scurried towards me hiding behind my leg.
London's eyes scanned me over before grabbing my wrist and running out of my home.
"Argh! London I can- OW walk!" I tripped over the little crack in the sewer floor causing me to stumble but regaining my stance quickly, trying to keep up with London's tugging and her fast pace.
She laughed "Come on slow poke! we're going to be late, you don't want to miss your first party do you!"
"Nope zip it! Na-Da! don't wanna hear it LALALALA!" She shouted echoing the sewers with her yelling.
I sighed in relief as we finally approached the place we were meant to be at, the place had music that was extremely loud and lights flashed through the blinded windows erupting the streets with a bright glow.
London's eyes filled with happiness as she dropped my hand and ran into the large mansion sized house and squealed to her little group of girls, fawning over a 'attractive' group of guys. I groaned loudly crossing the dead street of New York and entered the ginormous house, I was about the shut the door when a foot from outside cut the rest of the room off, I opened the door back up, only to see a tall boy.
He looked around my age, black slicked up hair, that let a few strings of hair fall and dark brown eyes, wore a pair of black skinny jeans, blue and black plaid shirt and grey converse
May I say gorgeous?
I think I shall.
I didn't realize we've been standing they're standing at each other for a few minutes, I blinked and shook my head.
"I'm sorry.. I uh.. didn't mean to stare"
I mumbled, it felt like my self confidence went down a ton leaving me they're stranded like a hot mess.
He laughed at my shyness
"Hey beautiful, it's alright seriously, it's not like I couldn't disagree with you.. you aren't bad looking yourself.."
I looked up from my shoes quickly to see the light shade of pink on his tanned cheeks, the name that he called me made me blush a deep crimson red.
"Eheh.. Thanks.. Uhh..." I lingered on with my sentence purely saying in my voice 'I don't know your name at all'
He chuckled
"Jakob, But I usually prefer Jake, what about you? surely somebody as beautiful as you should have a perfect name.." My cheeks burned with the evil red colour, "Uhh.. My name.. its uh, Kitara, Mmpht.. Nice you meet you Jake..."
He let out a angelic laugh that rang in my ears, wishing for him to continue the joyous sound, but sadly he didn't.
"Soo, nice costume.. what are you supposed to be?" I asked curiously
"Ehh, I didn't dress up, didn't really know till my buddy told me the plan."
He rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment and stuck the other hand in his Jean pocket.
"But I see you dressed up, pretty nicely" I laughed hard
"Pffft this!? I would of much rather dress normally, instead of dressing up like... a err.. idiot" i whispered the insult into his ear hoping to dear god nobody else heard, thankfully nobody did only Jake, he laughed along with me
"Your funny Kitara.. Now, would you like to dance?" he extended his hand speaking in a silly formal voice.
I hadn't realized a slow song started to play throughout the speakers, replacing the obnoxious sound of heavy metal rock.
I chuckled and placed my hand in his
"Yes, gladly" I replied using the same tone he had used.
He smiled exposing his beautiful white teeth.
We walked onto the dance floor and he took my hand left hand in his, and his right hand on my waist, my right hand stayed on his shoulder.
[I realize this singer isint the same as Lee Brice, so PLEASE if you can play the real song along with this part
Starting NOW!)
The music started playing gently until the singer began,

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