Bipolar Best Friend (Chapter Four)

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"Which one is yours?"

She giggled curiously

Almost immediately did I snap my head directly in her way to look at her

"What do you mean 'which one is mine,' I JUST met them today.. Well, they sorta met me.. but that doesn't matter!"

I replied angrily, but all she did was laugh

"Oh my gosh Kit, I was playing around! Man.. you sure need some lessons to loosen up.." she ended up mumbling the past part, I growled in response as I maneuvered my way over to the couch and plopped down onto the soft black leather. London made her way into the living room area with a wide smile on her face making her way to the Xbox, she turned the crummy system on and slid the disk into the ejection tray.

"What movie are we watching?" I grumbled lowly, she turned her head to look at me.

"Not telling!" she sang happily, seriously.. What's gotten into the girl to be so dang happy? I just nodded and waited for the stupid advertisements to finish so I could figure out what the movie really was.

Time skip till half of the movie

I never really ended up figuring the movie out, because London jumped in front of the screen when it was showing me the name of the movie.. It's just some stupid romantic comedy movie, no interest to me what so ever. I started to get bored.. REALLY bored, so I quietly got up off my couch while London was busy with her movie, and went to cleaning up my home, sure my house is 'spotless' but I still like to make it DOUBLE spotless.. Know what I mean? Like something can never be perfect and you need to keep perfecting it, over and over again..

The next thing that happened scared the living hell out of me, there was a large

'BOOM' And some tv laughter, as we as a ear curdling scream. I accidentally threw my broom far across the room and turned my attention to the living room area, there sat London, with her knees balled up to her chest and her rocking back and forth panting.

What the heck scared her that much, to make her scream? Maybe a spider landed on her or something.. Or a jump scare?

I slowly made my way towards her crouching down beside her

"Hey pineapple, what's wrong..? Spider dude gottya again?" I asked with a small smile appearing on my lips. I guess it didn't seem funny to her, because she pushed me away from her making me land on my butt. I pouted "Oh come on London.. It couldn't of been THAT bad.." I tried my best to get something out of her, but she just sat there with her eyes closed and her rocking back and forth

Back and forth

Baaaaack and forth..

Back a--

"GAH LONDON JUST TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!" i exclaimed throwing my hands up in the air in defeat, she turned to me and giggled I froze, what just happened? She bursted out laughing falling to the floor, laughing to hard er face went red as a tomato!

"BAHAHA! I *weez* GOTTCHA *laugh* HEHE!! GOT YAH GOT YAH* she tried to make out between fits of laughter, man this child is weird.. I thought, rolling my eyes I slapped her playfully

"So what DID happen in this stupid movie..?" I asked carelessly that she'd freak out about me not even watching it

"Oh you know, just some random potato and Venus getting married, but the potato got Brutally murdered by a spider!" She exclaimed like it wasn't even needed to second think what she said, I gave her a weird/confused look and shook my head

"Your one weird kid, you know the right Londie?" I concluded our little 'tricky time' and walked back into the large area were I was cleaning before.

She giggled "I know, and you love me because of it!" she cooed happily

I rolled my eyes for the fourth time.

"Who said I ever loved you? I don't even know you." I said sarcastically with a 'disgusted grin' she gasped, "OH NO YOU DIDINT! IM GONNA KILL YOU!" she screeched and started to chase me around the room.

Perfect friendship, if I do say so myself.


Hehe, so I updated! And I'm not dead! Yay! Uhh I'm really sorry though.. My writers block is CRAZY bad.. And I've kinda lost interest in this specific plot, I've been thinking about making a "TMNT Boyfriend Scenarios" book, but I don't want to be copying the ideas of others I read.. And I kinda lost Kitara's picture.. So I found a new one.. That sorta looks like her anyways! And on your left is London >:D

So there's a better visual on the two! :)

Peace out DJ sprouts

Keep Calm And Be A Ninja! 💂

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