Christmas Day And New Year Love

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Chapter 25

I don't know if this chapter will be very long..
I'm trying to rush several things into this chapter, so I guess enjoy.


"No Mikey don't touch tha!--"


i broke into fits of coughing, cupping my hand over my mouth, waving off the smoke filled kitchen.

"A-alright then.." i muttered attempting to look around the area, unfortunately i failed, unable to see worth crap.

"Mikey *cough* maybe you should *cough cough* LISTEN!" Raph's voice shouted throughout the smoke. Sooner rather than later, the smoke died down, leaving my eyes to adjust to the chaos that had unleashed while it had happened.

Leo stood by the fridge, where he had been before, coughing while shaking his head, Donnie was already recovered and standing by the stove with a fire extinguisher, pointing it downwards while the last of the smokey substance died out.

Raph was looking at his little brother angered, annoyed and frustrated "I told you not to touch it!" he growled, clenching his fists ready to throw a punch, seeing as he was back to his hotheaded self.. he was perfectly fine now. Mikey, well.. he wasn't doing so hot.

The small turtle stood there clutching his gut coughing, with red puffy eyes and a coughing sound that replicated like somebody was going to puke. "Uhh, Mike.. are you alright?" i asked patting the back of his shell, attempting to knock what ever was in the back of his throat to get the hell out.

He simply brought a shaky thumbs up, to my eye level, and continued to cough. I exchanged a worried glance at the other three turtles, while they sent one back.. Was he going to be alright? Or did the smoke hurt him to much.

My answers were solved when the coughing stopped, mikey looked up at us and smiled widely, to happy for somebody who cough of died while choking on smoke.. "Wow, that was... AWESOME! Lets do it again!!" he shouted, grabbing the old fire extinguisher and holding the nasal, where the smoke use to come out.

"Aww..." Mike frowned, tossing it back to Donatello, before opening the oven and pulling out the turkey. That was, to my surprise, perfectly fine. Odd.. why did something, so venerable to the flames, not catch on fire? Sure tricked me.

With a shy smile, i reached out and snatched the turkey, placing it onto the island counter, with the rest of the meal and baked goods. Like i said before, this wouldn't be easy, and let me tell you.. It wasn't. With four turtles, three who don't know how to cook for shit, one of which.. only cooks certain things, pizza, eggs, toast, Breakfast food etc.

Well, lets just say, cooking all this stuff, took a very long time. and i was ready to get everything done and over with. "Alright, don't touch the food.. uhh, i have to go pick up London, she's been waiting for an hour now.." i smiled sheepishly, grabbing my coat and slipping it over my arms, zipping it up.

"So, please while I'm gone, can you set up the table? Not eat the food.. and clean up a little?"
i asked, standing by the exit of the kitchen looking over the four, three nodded, while raph came to walk beside me.
"I'll go with you.. just in case something happens." he muttered and walked out, leaving me no choice to say no now.
I looked over at the three brothers, standing there with wide smiles and smirks,obviously knowing something is up.. I simply rolled my eyes, and smiled back, walking after Raph.

"So why exactly, are you always offering to walk me everywhere-- I mean, i never said i didnt enjoy walking with you-- i mean, uggh forget it." i groaned, inwardly face palming and exchanging a welcome glance to the ground.
Raph laughed at my loss of words, obviously finding it hilarious.
"Thought you'd need some company time to time."
"But I'm going to pick up London.. I mean, that's enough company, Isn't it?"
he just grunted, looking away as i looked over towards him. Hes mad at me.. god im an idiot..

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