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*amazing clap*
This is another flash back.
Chapter 33

"Shhhhh! We gotta be quiet.. We'll wake her up.." A blonde haired girl had whispered, shushing her brunette friend.
The two lovely teenagers, ages of thirteen; were surprisingly tall for their numbers of age definitions.

"Zip it Dest, I'm going I'm going.." London hissed, flailing her arms around in the air. The two were attempting to sneak into their friend Kitara's beautiful apartment.
And yes, she had moved again.. All in one year.

Destany, Kitara and London's amazing blonde best friend; had recently been an addition to the group. The had met each other when Kitara had been proceeding to remove her household items from her old home to her newer one.

The thirteen year old blonde had been very convenient for the other two teens; and cheerfully grabbed one of the brown boxes filled to the brim with Kitara's belongings and began chatting with the two and helped assist in the move.

A soft click of the front apartment door was echoed throughout the entire room, allowing the girls access to look through the small flat.
"Kitty's got it cleaned pretty nicely.." Destany had giggled.

London had rolled her eyes, and pushed through Destany to return into her friends apartment building.
"Where is thow owner, Felix?" London cooed, itching the car behind the ears and the feline returned the question with a loud meow.

"Right.. She's asleep.." London smiled, slowly tip toeing towards the bedroom of her violet haired four elemental trainee.
Of course the teenager would still be asleep at eight thirty in the morning.

London and Destany had silently giggled as they walked towards the door, London slowly reaching forward and opening it without a sound.
The scene before them, could make any tough man 'aww' in cuteness.

The violet haired girl was half hanging off the bed, her hand gently curling on her stomach, the other behind her head dangling off the bed.
Her mouth was open and a soft snore echoed from the back of her throat.

"Why must she be so adorable.." Des had whispered, her eyes softened and she looked upon her sleeping friend.
London had shrugged simply; walking forward and opening the curtains of her bedroom.

The room wasn't big, small enough to put a double bed in the corner, a few posters that Kitara had taken from Destany plastered to the wall and a small television in the corner of the room, bean bag chairs.
Really anything to cure her entertainment, specifically books scattered across the white carpeted floor.

London had jumped onto the bed, and began hopping over the already messed up covers; startling Kitara awake, the violet haired girl's eyes widened as she looked upon her two best friends.
"W-wha.." Kitara had murmured, blinking slowly as she attempted to rub the sleep out of her eyes.

"I locked my.." A soft yawn spewed from the girl's mouth, cutting her sentence off short.
"My apartment door was locked.. How'd you two get inside.." She murmured, wrapping the blankets around her body, and stumbling out of bed towards her dresser.

"I'm pretty good with pick locketing." London had stated confidently, grinning wildly at her violet haired friend.
Destany giggled, looking towards the brunette with a smirk.
"Aaaand you like to talk to Kitty's little Cat." She teased, earning London to stick her tongue out at Des, which the girl happily returned.

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