Chapter 51

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Breakfast the next morning was unusually quiet that even little Elena suspected that something was wrong and she kept shifting her eyes from me to Jane . l glanced up at Jane and l noticed some dark shadows under her eyes indicating that she too had not slept well.

I didn't know whether to rejoice or not , that l still had an effect on her. Her face looked pale and lacked some of it's usual radiance. She continued eating in silence not even sparing Elena and me a glance. I knew that she was still fuming inside over our argument last night. I could feel her anger rolling of her in waves from where she sat quietly munching on her toast.

She was angry with me , that l was sure. Though l didn't know what l had done wrong so early in the morning . I decided that maybe if l take her out for a walk , she would drop that haggard look on her face.

The day was sunny and a bit warm. The skies were clear and the fresh cool air outside was freshening. A perfect day to spend outdoors. I turned to Elena with a fond smile.

"Shall we go out for a walk in the park ?," l asked her.

Her small face immediately lit up with excitement She squealed before dropping a kiss on one of my cheeks. I laughed loudly at the look of sheer happiness on her face. It still amazes me how she got up so excited for little things. I loved bringing that smile on her face.

I watched Elena's smiling face with a feeling of awe and warmth. I still couldn't believe that this beautiful and intelligent little girl was my daughter. The only things she had inherited from me were my blue eyes , dark hair and my stubbornness. She knew how to get her way with me and Jane by pouting that cute little smile we both found hard to resist.

Looking into her face was like looking at Jane's younger version with teeth gaps and pigtails. I looked up at Jane who continued eating in a moody silence.

"Jane? What do you think?," l asked her as my hand reached for hers across the table.

"It's an emergency , Mr Moretti!"

My head of security , Reid came barging in shouting. He stopped by the dining table still heaving. I drew back my hand from Jane's and glared at Reid. I hated intrusions especially when l was trying to bond with my family.

"This better be important!," l warned him through gritted teeth.

"There are reporters camped outside. They have been there since early this morning and they are demanding to speak to you. Articles about you have been circulating since last night," he quickly spoke up and then handed me a newspaper.

I grabbed the newspaper from him. My face paled as my eyes slowly scanned the content. I felt my breath being knocked out of me.

The headline read:

"Millionaire made himself a fortune by robbing his wife's inheritance and then fleeing into nowhere!"

And below was an old picture of the innocent looking twenty three year old Jane and myself. It was our wedding photo from six years ago. I sucked in a shuddering breath as l realised the gravity of the situation.

Jane seemed to come out of whatever trance she had been. Her big dark curious eyes looked up at me questioningly.

"What is it? You look pale all of a sudden , " she asked me with a concerned frown marred on her forehead.

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