Chapter 10

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We all sat at the breakfast table that morning . Ferracco was sitting across me. Every time our eyes met , he would flash me a small smile. I noticed that his smiles didn't quite reach his eyes.

I could sense his nervousness. I wondered if l had somehow offended him by asking about his family. I knew it was a sensitive topic for him. It wasn't easy for a twelve year old to witness his aunt being ran over by a car.

I suddenly wished our relationship wasn't a secret so that l could hold his hand and offer him some comfort. It was only fair l did that considering how he comforted me when l lost my parents.

Claudius was seated next to Ferracco and he kept throwing disgusted looks his way. He wanted him gone as soon as possible.

I tried to ignore him but l found out that l couldn't. I set down my fork and knife on my plate feeling angry. Ferracco was my guest and he was welcome to stay at the mansion for as long as he wanted. Claudius had no right to make him feel bad about it.

Suddenly feeling bold , l placed my hand on top of Ferracco's on the dining table. I met his shocked eyes. I knew that we had agreed to keep our relationship a secret for now but l couldn't stand to watch Claudius's dirty glares.

Everyone on the table stopped eating and stared at our joined hands in shock. I saw Claudius clench his jaw in anger. Lola and Amira stared at me puzzled. My eyes moved back to Ferracco. He was silently begging me with his eyes to stop whatever l was going to do but l ignored him and brought back my eyes to the other three.

"Ferracco and l are lovers and we plan on getting married," l suddenly announced in a bold voice.

The silence that followed was like that of the grave yard. Then Lola choked on the water she was sipping. Four pairs of eyes stared at me shocked.

" You can't be serious!," Lola yelled at me.

I knew that she felt betrayed. We have always told each other stuff even the embarrassing ones. Claudius's steel grey eyes narrowed at me. Amira looked unsure as she silently stared from me to Ferracco.

Claudius threw down his napkin in a fit of rage. He glared at Ferracco then back to me.

"What the hell is this madness about?," he snapped at me.

I felt even more angrier at his insult. Claudius never cursed at me.

"You don't get to use that tone with me , Claudius!," l snapped back at him.

He let out a mocking laughter.

"This is not you , Jane. You are usually more sensible than this. What did he do to you , uhh? Tell me!"

My face was now red with anger. I have never felt more humiliated in my life. I remained silent while clenching my hands in anger. Claudius was our family lawyer but he was also like my elder brother. I didn't want to say anything in a fit of rage that will only end up ruining our friendship .

I knew that he was only looking out for me but it was a little overboard. When l remained silent , Claudius turned to Amira.

"Are you going to allow this?," he asked Amira but she remained quiet staring down into her plate with a sad expression.

Claudius ran frustrated fingers through his brown hair.

"For Goodness's sake , they just met. You are supposed to be her mother. Dammit! Talk some sense into her!," he exploded before pushing back his chair noisily and stormed out of the dining room.

I looked up at Ferracco. He was staring at me with cold and empty eyes. Well! I couldn't blame him. I had just revealed our secret in front of my family without his consent and ended up creating a scene and him being openly insulted.

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