Chapter 61

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For the past few days , l felt blissful and a certain honey brown haired beauty was responsible for it. There was so much to Silvia Paula than l ever imagined. She was full of surprises. Being with her was like opening gifts on a Christmas morning and meeting surprises in every box.

I was discovering many new and shocking things about her each day. It was like she had been hiding her true self all along. She loved volunteering at orphanages during weekends. One day l accompanied her there and l was shocked to discover that she has been doing it for the past five years. She was even popular among the kids.

Seeing her playing with the children at the orphanage made me realise that she was going to be a great mother to our unborn baby. I also discovered her passion for drawing when she drew my picture one morning as l slept. My triplet brothers adored her a lot.

My cellphone beeped. It was a message from Silvia. A smile flickered on my face as l opened it. She reminded me of the party at Jane's place tonight. It was their wedding anniversary. I grabbed my suit jacket off the hook preparing to go out. Silvia and l were supposed to go shopping for their gifts.

I was about to get up when the door to my office was kicked open. It slammed against the wall with a loud bang causing the door frame to rattle. I looked up startled and l saw Martin Paula enter , his bulky and grim faced bodyguards trailing behind him.

I slowly got up from my seat feeling dumbstruck. It was my first time meeting the man face to face and judging by the stern look on his face , l knew it was not a pleasant call. Maybe he had discovered my relationship with Silvia despite our attempts at secrecy.

Obviously he didn't approve of us. Even myself felt lacking standing to a gorgeous woman like Silvia. We have been keeping our relationship a low profile for months because of Silvia's popularity as a model. We wanted to avoid any speculation from the media.

He stood before me , assessing me from head to toe with obvious dislike. I took that moment to also assess his physical appearance. He had the same eyes with Silvia. The same shade of brown but his eyes had an uncertain evil glint to it. His hair was a mouse brown and had several silver strands in it. As l stared at him, l suddenly understood why Silvia disliked him. The man oozed out an evil vibe and l could sense it from where l stood.

"Claudius Kassius!," the older man spat out my name like poison.

"That's me , sir," l acknowledged coming out of my trance.

His gaze racked down my being in clear distaste. He brought back his gaze to my face and he sneered. I put a lid on my simmering temper. I have never liked the man even before meeting him.

"Please sir, have a seat," l attempted to be polite but seething with rage from inside.

Seething with rage at the way he treated his daughter. Like a means to achieve his power. He held up a hand.

"I only came to see for myself the man who managed to creep into my daughter's heart and turned her into some senseless lovesick puppy," he spat out.

I clenched my hands into fists refusing to yield to my anger.

"You think by charming the pants off my daughter and planting your little seed in her will get you any fortune?"

I raised my head and stared right into the man's eyes with defiance.

"I did not use any trickery on your daughter nor do l want to achieve any fortune. Silvia and l love each other."

Martin Paula gave out a humourless laugh.

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