Chapter 20

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Soon after Claudius dropped me off , l rushed into my room and locked myself in. I was a nervous mess. My emotions were all over the place. My mind was foggy with confusion and a headache had begun.

I wanted to be left alone. I needed space to think this thing through. I leaned on my bedroom door for a moment as l took in huge breaths to steady myself.

My hands were trembling so much. Luckily , everyone had already gone to sleep when l arrived. I wasn't in a condition to see anyone. One look at their loving faces , l knew l would break down into a sobbing mess.

My family was convinced that l had finally moved past Ferracco's ultimate betrayal and l didn't want to disappoint them again. We were finally a normal and happy family . l wouldn't want to ruin that for anything.

I moved away from the door on trembling legs and dropped my clutch on the bed. I began pacing the room thinking.

What if it was merely a coincidence?

What if l am being paranoid for nothing?

I couldn't bear this insecurity , these suspicions anymore. I was getting tired of these " what if " thoughts. I wanted peace for myself. I couldn't be a good mother to Elena if my mind was always plagued with bitterness and depression. For once l wanted to be a happy mother to her.

That was the least l could do for my daughter who meant the world to me. With a sudden determination , l rummaged through my clutch for my cellphone until l located it. I dialled the number of the person whom l knew would help me to get rid of my suspicions.

Felicia picked up on the third ring and l silently thanked my lucky stars. I was anxious to get this thing done and over with.

"Hie Felicia. I am sorry for calling this late but l desperately need your help," l quickly said.

There was a brief moment of silence from the other end before a husky voice came through.

" It's okay . What do you want ? "

I heard her sleepy yawn. She must have been asleep before l disturbed her.

" l need that private investigator's number ."

"What ! ," she nearly screamed over the phone. I guess she was now fully awake judging by her usual high pitched voice.

"I need the number of that private investigator you used on your husband a year ago," l explained to her.

"I heard you well the first time. What l mean is why do you need Santiago's number?," she asked me in a shocked and suspicious voice.

I rolled my eyes at her outburst though she couldn't see me. Felicia with her interrogations! She was like some mother hen. I blew away a strand of hair on my face feeling bored.

" Stop asking silly questions , Felicia. Just forward the number to my phone ," l answered in a weary voice.

" Wait! Is Claudius already cheating on you! It's barely a month since you guys started dating!," she cried out.

I had to put my phone a bit far to avoid damage to my precious ears.

" It's not that ."

"Then why the hell do you need Santiago for?," she asked in a serious voice.

It was nearly impossible to keep a secret from her. I ran a hand through my blond hair for the umpteenth time,  feeling nervous of what l was about to do.

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