Chapter 55

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"I have decided to take you out to an Indian restaurant for a change. Do you like it?,"Ferracco asked me , looking pleased with himself.

I grabbed a glass of water and gulped down the entire contents.

" Can't you see my eyes watering? The food is very delicious but too spicy."

At my words , he laughed out loud.

"You girls are such cry babies. You can't even handle a little spice,"he chuckled.

I stopped eating to glare at him.

" Are you looking down on women?, " l asked him with a deep frown on my face.

His lips twisted into a mischievous smile.

"You have a talent of twisting my words , Jane. Now you are accusing me of being a chauvinist."

I rolled my eyes at him.

"For your own information, women are the strongest creatures to ever grace the earth. Do you know how painful it is to give birth to a child? No pain will ever exceeded that of child birth , l tell you!," l told him in a teasing voice but the smile on his face vanished to be replaced by a sad look.

"Elena' s birth , was it painful?," he asked in a strained voice.

I glanced at him in sympathy. His blood thirsty need to seek revenge had cost him a chance to see his own daughter's childhood. A fond smile broke out on my face as my brain took me down the memory lane.

"The doctor had told me that l was due in two weeks time so l was at home with Amira Netflixing and chilling. My water broke at 1am and l panicked. Lola had gone to a friend's house and taxis were hard to find at that hour. Aunt Amira didn't know how to drive. So we decided to call Claudius and he drove us to the hospital. It was very painful. I couldn't stop screaming and cursing you for putting me in such a condition. We arrived at the hospital and the doctor told me l had to wait for an hour because my womb wasn't fully dilated. The waiting was the hardest part. I wanted to die of pain. When l finally went into labour , Claudius and Amira were besides me. I still feel sorry every time l see Claudius. I slapped him and pulled his hair when he was telling me to push. I spent six hours in labour and the baby was nowhere close to coming out. I felt so tired and just wanted to rest. The doctor shouted at me that if l waste any minute longer, the baby was going to die in the womb. I was on the verge of giving up but Amira told me the words , l will never forget. "

"What did she say?," Ferracco asked me in a husky voice.

His eyes were strangely moist and pain was evident on his face. I smiled sadly as l remembered back to that night as vivid as if it had only happened yesterday.

"An hour of pain , is the lifetime of happiness," l echoed Amira's words of that night.

"At six am , little Elena entered the world with a small cry. She was screaming so loudly as if we have taken her away from her comfort zone. She used to kick me so much when l was pregnant. She looked so small , pink and very cute. I couldn't believe l was the mother of that little angel."

I brushed away two lone tears which had spilled on my cheeks. Ferracco reached for my hand across the table and held it. Our eyes locked and he flashed me a small smile.

"You were through a lot for our daughter. You are a strong woman , Jane," he told me with a fond smile on his face .

My stomach fluttered at the warmth in his voice.

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