Chapter 17

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A/N: l am switching between Jane's POV and No one's POV as you have seen in the previous chapter.

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A week passed by in a daze and there was no message from Claudius. I felt bad about the last time we parted. Claudius was hurt and it was clearly my fault.

I didn't attempt to contact him. I thought he needed time to think.

Time to think if he still wanted to be with someone as broken as me, someone as damaged as me!

"Any news from Claudius?"

Amira's voice broke through my thoughts. I realised that l had been staring at my cellphone for a long time. I put down my cellphone on the table. We were having breakfast on a Saturday morning.

I slowly shook my head and stuffed a piece of toasted bread in my mouth.

" He is obviously waiting for your call," suggested Lola.

I took a napkin and wiped the honey smeared around Elena's mouth.

"Aunt Lola is taking me to the amusement park," she bubbled happily.

Looking at my daughter's bright face , I felt my earlier disturbing thoughts being pushed at the back of my mind. I smiled back at her and kissed her on the forehead.

I turned towards Lola and cast her a questioning glance. She smiled at me knowingly.

" You have a free afternoon to go shopping for the most beautiful, sexy dinner dress and afterwards soak yourself in a bubble, scented bath and relax. You are going for a dinner date with Claudius tonight . l have
already booked a table at Lick it restaurant. All you have to do is pick up that damn phone and invite Claudius out."

My mouth hanged open in disbelief.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me before!," l cried at her.

Lola winked at me and a huge grin broke out on her face.

" l knew you were going to sit there and wallow in misery while some bimbo steals your boyfriend. "

I snorted at her words.

"You are welcome , Jane," Lola said sarcastically.

My heart felt lighter knowing that l was going to settle things with Claudius tonight.



"Did you two have a fight last night?," Mrs Morelo asked Lucas.

Lucas remained silent. Instead he picked up his coffee mug and began sipping , thoughtfully reading the newspaper in his hand.

" Lucas! ,"Mrs Morelo called his name in a sharp voice.

With a deep intake of breath, Lucas turned to face her.

" l don't want to talk about that spoiled brat first thing in the morning, " he responded acidly.

Mrs Morelo snatched the newspaper from his hand and laid it on the table.

"I also can't stand that woman . Ever since she moved in, she has fired almost five housemaids. She has got a nasty temper. But Lucas, you clearly need her support . If you ever wishes to crush your competitors, Silvia is your trump card. The moment the two companies merge, Moretti and co will expand beyond our wildest imaginations."

Lucas shoved his hand impatiently through his dark hair.

" We agreed in our contract that our relationship was strictly business but after she came back from France, she got all possessive and jealous. I can't handle her tantrums," Lucas boomed.

" Calm her down a little. Pretend you have finally fallen for her. Take her out on a romantic dinner tonight. I know you are good at this."

Lucas chuckled at her words.

" Silvia knows too much about me. She knows love is the last emotion l will ever associate myself with. But l will take her out for dinner. The little tigress is restless lately and needs some coaxing. "

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