"It was clearly him!," l cried at Claudius in rage.
We were arguing in my bedroom. After the limousine left, l had grabbed Claudius by the collar demanding that he follow the car because in it was the man who ruined my life.
Claudius had simply stared at me , his face drawn in confusion and hurt . I had argued with him in the middle of the street until people had gathered to watch our little scene unfolding.
Feeling embarrassed , Claudius had dragged me into a nearby taxi and took us back to my apartment.
Claudius laid his hands on his waist and then drew in a deep breath in frustration.
"That was a different person you saw back there. You are overreacting, Jane," he noted in a soft voice as if coaxing an unreasonable child.
He tried to pull me in his arms but l roughly shoved him away angrily wiping away my tears. I was mad at him for not believing in me. As my boyfriend , the least he could do was support me.
"I know those eyes. I know that smile. It was also his voice...," my voice trailed off in difficult.
I blinked back more tears. It always brought painful memories to even talk about him.
"How can l forget ! He is the man who ruined my family."
Claudius began pacing the floor, raking a hand through his brown hair in frustration. He stopped before the window swearing under his breath. I followed him and turned his face towards me.
His face looked troubled.
"Claudius ! You have to believe me," l pleaded with him in a voice barely above a whisper.
My throat seemed clogged. A storm of angry tears was silently brewing inside me. I was holding myself back from erupting into a storm of tears. Claudius wouldn't like to see me in a sobbing mess especially on matters concerning Ferracco.
" l thought you were over him at last," he whispered in a voice full of pain.
My heart swelled in pain at his words. I was hurting the man who clearly loved me. Against my will , two lone tears ran down my cheeks.
" It's not like that. I swear to you. My love for him died the day he betrayed me , " l answered earnestly.
" Ever since you were eighteen, I waited for you Jane," he whispered hoarsely.
I hung down my head feeling mortified. I had hurt Claudius when he had shown me nothing but kindness. He looked at me one last time before grabbing his jacket off the bed and storming out of the room.
He nearly collided with Lola on his way out. He didn't even stop to greet her but continued on his way out. I dropped down on my bed feeling my heart shattered.
I felt the bed dip besides me as Lola joined me. She silently took me in her arms and l broke down into a storm of tears. Lola stroked my hair murmuring words of comfort.
After my storm passes , Lola released me and held me at arm's length. She gazed at me , her brown eyes full of worry.
" What's going on between the two of you?," she asked.
I drew in a deep shuddering breath before breaking down into another sobbing mess as l related the events of our terrible lunch date.
" Claudius is mad at me because he thinks l am not over that bastard yet and that l am probably hallucinating the entire thing."
Lola remained silent staring at me as if l had gone mad. No one believed me!
"His face looks different but I am damn sure it's him. Same voice, same eyes and the same smile. He could have got a plastic surgery or something," l tried to convince her.

RomanceTo her , it was his ultimate betrayal but to him , it was her redemption. ~****~ (Reviews) •Can't get enough , just want to keep on reading @Vimbainashe91 •That was such a haunting beautiful story @Mys...