Chapter 26

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The door suddenly burst open startling Lucas Moretti from his computer. Lucas frowned when his eyes encountered Silvia standing in the doorway of his office glaring at him. She strolled in with determination and slammed the door hard behind her that the doorframe rattled. Lucas sucked in his breath.

Trouble is here!

Silvia pulled out a chair across his desk and sat down still throwing daggers at him.

"It's been four freaking days and still you didn't contact me!," she snapped at him.

Lucas looked up from his computer with weary eyes. For days , he had hardly slept. Huge bags were evident beneath his eyes.

"I am not in a good mood to listen to your whining. What do you want , Silvia?," he asked in a tired and uninterested voice.

Silvia gasped at his calm response.

"I deserve to hear an explanation, Moretti! Some slutty blondie suddenly showed up uninvited at my  wedding and claimed that my husband to be is hers. What the hell is going on?, " Silvia cried at him.

On hearing Silvia refer to Jane as a slut , Lucas angrily clenched his hands into tight fists  for unknown reasons he refused to dwell on. He expelled a slow breath trying to keep his calm. The damn woman always managed to drive him insane with fury.

"I am sorry for the unfortunate incident. I have already talked with Mr Paula about ....."

His statement was cut off by Silvia's high pitched voice.

"Unfortunate! Really, Lucas! That's an understatement. It was a terrible nightmare. I will surely make you pay for humiliating me like that!," she seethed.

Lucas flashed her a wicked grin.

"I have already paid for that . Your old man requested a hefty sum from me for breaching the contract," he chuckled.

He watched in grim satisfaction as her brown eyes widened in shock. He deduced that the sly old man hadn't told her that piece of information yet . Martin Paula treated his daughter like some princess. Lucas remembered how Martin had threatened to destroy him when they met that morning to terminate the contract.

Silvia crossed her arms over her chest. She threw him a sly look.

"I told you before that l won't let you be with another woman,Lucas! Hell will have to freeze over for that to happen,"she spat out.

Luca's eyes darkened in anger. He didn't react well to threats.

"I want you gone in the next five minutes or l will have security drag your ass out of my building ," he growled out.

Silvia threw back her head and stifled an evil laugh.

"You don't scare me, Moretti. Get ready for this. I will make you pay."

She walked out of his office , her head held up high. She again slammed the door hard on her way out. Lucas breathed out a sigh of relief and shoved a hand impatiently through his dark hair.

What was he even thinking signing that contract with Martin Paula. His daughter was one little tigress. He couldn't imagine spending his days with that sly woman. Lucas suddenly felt grateful that the wedding didn't happen.

He picked up his phone and dialed.

"Carlo , I want you to investigate everything about that woman who showed up at my wedding."



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