Chapter 24

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Ferracco's eyes widened in recognition. I smirked upon  seeing his pale face. The horrified look on his face was priceless. I had waited for six years for this moment.

His shock was instantly replaced by a calm look. The devil was damn good at hiding his true self. He had put on a mask of a loving husband the six months that we were together. Not once did he let his guard down in front of me.

" Tell the congregation your reason for stopping this holy matrimony. "

The priest's loud voice jerked me back to reality. I noticed an angry twitch in ferracco's jaw. His blue eyes were glittering in anger. He stared at me gravely daring me to speak out. I snorted at him.

It was over for him anyway. He was caught red handed and there was no way in hell l was letting him slip through my fingers for the second time.

My eyes rested on his bride. The poor girl looked like she could faint any moment. Her beautiful face was pale and white as ash. Daniel King was staring at me in pure horror and shock. He was probably wondering what l was doing here.

I was stunned that someone like him could have any relation with someone despicable as Ferracco. I strode towards the altar and grabbed the mic from the priest. The priest gasped in disbelief at my rude behaviour.

" This man here must not get married because he is already married. He is my husband!, " l announced in a loud voice.

The entire congregation gasped in shock. They began to whisper among themselves. There was an older man well dressed sitting on the front row. He was staring at Ferracco with blazing eyes. He looked like he wanted to kill him right there. I assumed him to be the bride's father.

Ferracco didn't notice this because he was busy glaring at me with bloodshot eyes. The bride broke down into pitiful sobs and for a moment l felt a prickle of guilty. But wasn't l saving her from a monster?

She gathered her gown and fled down the long run carpet.

"Silvia!," her mother choked out running after her.

Mr Paula strode towards Ferracco and angrily grabbed him by the collar.

"What is all this madness boy!," he gritted out.

Ferracco opened his mouth to argue but was silenced by a resounding punch on the side of his face. He stumbled backwards dizzily and Daniel rushed to steady him. He stood glaring at Mr Paula holding his reddened cheek.

"You better come up with a reasonable explanation next time we meet or l bury you alive!"

Mr Paula strode out of the chapel with his bodyguards trailing behind him. I turned back to face Ferracco with a bitter smile on my face. For a moment , l had wished Mr Martin Paula to grab one of his bodyguard's guns and blew off his head.

But death would have been an easy way to end his miserable existence. Ferracco deserved to live in the same pain he put me through. He deserved to suffer until he begged for death instead. And l was going to make sure of it. I was going to savour his every painful moment.

"Lucas! What's going on?," Daniel screeched besides him.

I snorted at his fake name. The con artist's name was "Ferracco Volcano" or was it not. I wasn't even sure if everything l knew about him was even the truth.

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