Chapter 4

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Aunt Amira left shortly afterwards with promises of making me my favourite dish. I slowly got up from my bed and walked into the bathroom still feeling weak and drained.

It was my most terrible day ever!

The biggest nightmare l have ever encountered.

I went into the shower and stood under the cold spray for a long time still thinking of how my life had turned into a horrible nightmare overnight.

My mind kept drifting to last night again. How happy we were. My parents were very happy and smiling like never before. It's like they knew that it was going to be their last day .

My heart began to race madly again. I clutched my heart feeling suffocated and loss of breath. I felt like l was going insane with the pain l was feeling. My hand laid on the glass walls as l breathed heavily.

I was having a panic attack again.

"Miss Jane , your parents had an accident and they passed away on the scene."

"We are sorry to break this news to you in this manner."

"Their car ran over the bridge."

I dropped to my knees breathing harshly.

Stop thinking!

A tiny voice screamed in my head but all l could see were the images of my parents trapped in a broken car , bleeding and choking with the exhaust fumes. l felt a sharp scream like my mother's voice in my head. l couldn't take it anyone. Just imagining their pain was making me go insane .

I stifled a loud scream and broke down into a sobbing mess. I had promised myself that l was never going to break down again. Guess it was easier said than done.

Painful sobs wrenched from my throat. I thought that l was stronger than this. That l could get up and move on but l can't.

It was painful!

It hurt so much that l wanted to die!

"She said always stay strong."

The stranger's soft voice drifted into my tumbled thoughts.

"We will be watching you from above. "

My heart beat began to calm down. I closed my eyes as l felt peace slowly descend upon me. I turned off the shower without bothering to wash.

I grabbed a towel and covered myself as l left the bathroom. Lola was in my room pacing. She looked up when she heard my approaching footsteps. Her lips trembled upon seeing me. Her eyes were swollen and puffy. I knew she was hurting , just like me.

My mother had been like a second mother to her.

We both ran towards each other and embraced tightly , dissolving into tears. After we had cried ourselves , we remained hugging each other in silence , drawing strength from each other. Lola was like a big sister to me. She has always been my pillar of strength for as long as l could remember.

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