Chapter 33

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                                     JANE'S POV

That night , l kept tossing and turning in my blankets. The memory of that kiss caused a shudder to run through me every time. I resented him for turning me into this hot and bothered creature. I resented myself even more for responding to his kisses the way l did.

All logic thinking had ceased the moment his soft and smooth lips claimed mine. I forgot the pain and suffering l went through because of him.

The kiss kept on replaying in my brain. I tossed again in my blankets feeling uncomfortable. Just think about his betrayal and these weird and uncomfortable feelings will fade away!

Sometime during the night, my eyelids began to droop. Familiar blue eyes crossed my mind before l went into a deep slumber.


The atmosphere at breakfast the next morning was very tense. I pretended to act cool and as if nothing happened last night but I dreaded to meet his eyes least l find them laughing and mocking me for making a fool of myself last night.

Elena oblivious of the tension between her parents, was chatting excitedly telling us of her school's upcoming event.

"I won't be taking Elena to school today. I have an emergency meeting," Ferracco spoke for the first time.

I looked up at him. I was shocked to see his pale face. His eyes were swollen. He must have stayed up late working on his presentations.


I released a yawn for a third time since coming into the office that morning. I tried to concentrate on the file in my hand but it was all in vain. The words seemed to dance before my eyes.

My eyelids were heavy and sleepy . l had a hard time trying to sleep last night, thanks to some bastard.(note the sarcasm)

I heard a faint knock in my sleep. The knock repeated again but with a loud bang this time. I groaned in my sleep and then forced open my sleepy eyes.

Felicia was staring down at me with her infamous grin dancing on her face. I sat up straight and let out a huge yawn.

"Seems like someone hasn't been getting a lot of sleep lately," she chuckled.

I gasped in disbelief at her words. The mischievous glint in her eyes clearly related the meaning behind her words. I threw her a scornful glance.

"Do you think l will let that devil anywhere near me? ," l hastily defended myself.

Felicia cocked a dark eyebrow at me.

"You are right. No matter how deadly gorgeous he looks. The fact that he is nothing but a swindler and robber still stands," she said with a regretful sigh.

I swallowed with difficult as guilty welled up in me. I had allowed that same swindler to kiss the hell out of me last night.

The playful glint in her eyes was replaced by concern.

"How are you feeling, Jane? Are you okay?"

Felicia's voice was laced with worry.

"I mean , are you okay living under the same roof with him? I know you hate him so much and now you are forced to share Elena with him," she added when she saw my confused look.

"I am good so far," l replied her as l blew a long breath.

"Just hit my phone whenever you need someone to talk to."

I cast her a small smile feeling grateful of her concern. My office telephone rang on my desk. I released a long sigh after a few minutes of talking to the person on the other end.

Felicia raised an eyebrow at me with curiosity etched on her face.

"It was Mrs Debra of Paula Advertising firm. She said that Silvia Paula terminated our contract and is willing to pay fee for breach of contract," l explained.

Felicia uttered a string of unspeakable curses before saying,

"What's wrong with that old witch!"

"She wanted to get back at me."

"She is crazy! Anyone can tell that Lucas Moretti do not give a single dime about her," she said with an unladylike snort.

"He cares about no one."

"It's almost lunch time. Do you want to join me? There is this Italian restaurant that just opened across the street and l heard it's terrific."

I checked my wrist watch and then offered her an apologetic smile.

"I am sorry, girlfriend. I have an appointment with Claudius ."

"It's about the lawsuit again?," she asked me.

I gave her a curt nod. She cast me a sympathetic smile.

"Isn't it awkward between the two of you? I mean you broke up with him and then four days later you were pledging vows to another man," Felicia asked in curiosity.

My hand clawed back my blond hair.

"It's complicated. Claudius always try to act professional whenever we met to discuss the case but l know he has million questions to ask me."

"I knew from the start that Claudius and l were not going to last. Being with him was like being with my best friend only. I felt relaxed and at ease. I didn't get those butterflies and tense sensations. It was just normal between us."

Felicia threw back her head and laughed.

"Trust me l know what you mean. That kind of heated passion you had with Ferracco. That kind of feeling that makes you dare do things you have never done before. Being reckless!"

I glared at her for voicing out my unwanted thoughts.

"Now you are talking nonsense! Felicia...."

My voice trailed off when my cellphone rang besides me. The caller ID flashed on the screen.

"Speaking of the devil! Ferracco is calling me," l continued in an acid voice.

A huge smile crept on my face. I hope he liked the present l got him that morning. He deserved it for forcing himself on me last night.

Felicia gaped at me.

"That creepy smile on your face! Don't tell me he lured you into falling in love with him for a second time!," she nearly yelled.

"I am not that dumb! I know the reason he is calling but l am not going to answer."

I declined the call. For the next ten minutes , Ferracco kept calling me and each time l declined his call. I finally got fed up with the incessant ringing and then opted to switch off my cellphone. I grabbed my handbag and headed to the restaurant where l was meeting Claudius.

A/N: l am really grateful for the support you guys have been showing me. I will try to update as often as possible. Thank you

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