A Final Goodbye

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I STOP MY CAR IN FRONT OF THE BIG BOARDING HOUSE and stare down at the text that I received just a few hours ago from Stefan Salvatore. He gave me a chance to get to say goodbye to my best friend. To Katherine. Apparently, Elena shoved the cure down her throat and it's been affecting her. All her 500 years of vampirism were catching up with her.

She can't turn into a vampire again because the cure won't allow her to consume vampire blood. If I could help her, I would, but there's nothing anyone can do because we don't know how this cure works. Nobody knows how it was made or if it can be reversed.

I sigh and finally build up the courage to get out of my car and walk up to the front door.

To be honest, I was kind of nervous. It's been at least a year and a half since I had last seen her. She was helping Damon, Elena and their friends kill Klaus.

The door opens and reveals Damon who looks at me in shock before the look quickly turns into a glare.


"Damon" I spit back at him with the same attitude.

"What are you doing here?" He asks me.

"Your brother was kind enough to tell me about Katherine. So, if you would kindly let me see my best friend and say goodbye before she dies" I say, giving him a small smile.

He looks at me for a while before going to close the door. "No," Before the door could bang in my face, I push it open again and walk in, my heels clicking against the floorboards.

"I wasn't asking" I walk up the stairs and find the room that Katherine was in.

My heart drops as I see her lay on the bed, her hair slowly turning grey and a few wrinkles scatter across her pale face.

"Leah?" Her weak voice calls out to me. I smile sadly at her as I take a seat on the bed beside her. "What are you doing here?"

"You really think I'd let you go without a goodbye?" I chuckle.

"I thought you hated me?" She whispers.

"Not anymore" I quickly wipe the stray tear that made its way down my cheek. "What best friend would I be if I let you die without forgiveness or redemption?"

"A good one. I don't deserve any forgiveness. Everyone made that clear" Katherine says.

I sigh and stroke her hair. "I'm one to forgive. I don't care what you did anymore. The past is the past. My brother is still alive. I've learned to not waste my time remembering the nightmares of all the bad things but rather forget them and remember all the good memories. And we had some pretty great memories," We laugh. "I don't want you dying, knowing that I hate you, because I don't. And I won't be able to forgive myself for eternity if I don't. So, I forgive you, Katerina. Whatever bad you did, it doesn't matter anymore,"

Katherine smiles sadly at me as a tear rolls down her cheek. She slowly reaches for my hand and gives it a small squeeze. "Thank you". 

I return the smile as I take one of the syringes with a sedative in it from the tray on the table next to the bed. Her eyes slowly close as the medication takes effect. Goodbye, Katerina Petrova.

I wipe my tears and get up, going to leave the room. I stand in the doorway and look at my best friend, a sad smile appearing on my face. Turning around, I make my way downstairs and Stefan makes his way up. I give him a small nod of appreciation that he let me do this.

I quickly open my car door and get in. My knuckles turn white as I grip the steering wheel. I look down at the envelope she gave me.  A choked sob escapes my lips before I let the tears fall.

Katherine was the only person I had when I destroyed the dagger Klaus would use on me and ran away. She was always there for me. She may have done things that hurt others, but she was only trying to survive from Klaus, who was chasing after her for 500 years.

She was my best friend. And now she's gone. We will meet again in some other lifetime.

Katherine Piece will be remembered. Somehow.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Just a filler chapter. So, when I finish this book, I want to make a book for Leah when she appears in The Vampire Diaries when Klaus wants to break his curse and her friendship with Katherine. I really cried when writing this😭.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter😊! Please drop a vote👍 and a follow🤙 and comment down on what your favorite part was💭💭. 

Also, tell me your thoughts on the TVD fan fiction for Leah Mikaelson. Loads of Love❤.

Until the next update😘.



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