Long Way Back From Hell

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I SAT IN THE COMPOUND AS MARCEL WAS SENDING more troops out to search the city for Niklaus and Rebekah. I was waiting for Elijah, who had gone to talk to the witches. He didn't want me coming because I would most likely kill someone.

Elijah walks in quickly. I stand up and walk up to him. 

"Anything?" He asks me and Marcel. 

 "They're putting eyes and ears out everywhere; day walkers are working every contact we've got. Cops, dock workers, guys in the Treme. Word is out anyone trying to earn favour with me gets a lifetime of it if they find them." Marcel says.

 "Good. I need a pen and paper" Elijah says and walks away and Marcel and I follow.

"Hey" Marcel stops Elijah who stood in a room. " am I taking orders from you now or are we in this together?" he asks

 Elijah removes his jacket. "Pen and paper, Marcellus. Now!" 

"I want her back just as much as you do, you know... Both of them." Marcel tells him before he turns to fetch the pen and paper from the desk drawer as Elijah removes his shirt. There were names written all over his chest, stomach and back. 

"Oh my god," I whisper.

" Hayley!" Elijah calls out. She walks into the room.

"Elijah! You're back. Did you find any–" She stops and takes in his appearance; shirtless and covered in tattoos.

"–thing? What is happening?" she asks confusingly.

 "I need you to make a list of these names." He says.

 "Sabine?" She questions.

"Elijah, what is this?" I ask him. 

Elijah looks at me. "I believe they represent the names of the women Celeste inhabited for the past two centuries. " He explains. Marcel rejoins us and hands the paper and pen to Hayley.

"It's called a Devinette. It's old school. Kind of a riddle. Witches use them to teach their kids. Solve it and it disappears." Marcel explains.

 "Why?" Hayley asks, looking at Marcel. 

"Yeah, What's the point?" I ask him. I was totally confused and worried. What if we never find them? What if they're already dead.

 "Celeste forced me to make a choice between yourself and my siblings, and now she means to mock that choice, taunting me with a childish game. The longer the game, the more they suffer." Elijah says. I look down in understanding.

" So, To find Klaus and Rebekah, we need to solve this riddle. " I point out. I look at them. "The solution is in these names."

 Marcel looks closely at all the names before he recognizes one name. "The name next to Sabine... Annie La Fleur, she's the witch that was shunned from her coven just over a year ago. Never knew why, but I can find out." He says. I nod.

"Make it quick"


Elijah, Marcel and I walk into a bar where Marcel's vampires are casually relaxing at the bar. I grab a man and throw him to across the room a man. Elijah and Marcel follow in behind me.

"Wh-what do you want from me," The man says shakily. I roll my eyes before grabbing him and throwing him into a chair. Elijah walks forward.

"Well, I assume you're familiar with this pigsty, quite appropriately known as the Pit. See, awkwardly enough, only weeks ago a group of human beings just like yourself slaughtered many of the companions of the vampires that you see assembled before you here." He says.

𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 - 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘴 [1] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now