From a Cradle to a Grave

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ELIJAH AND I WERE LOOKING FOR HAYLEY AND KLAUS when we hear a scream coming from the church.

"Hayley" I whisper before vamp-speeding alongside Elijah all the way to St. Anne's church

Elijah and I burst into the church.

 "HAYLEY!" We both stop dead in our tracks. Hayley was lying dead in Klaus' arms. Klaus is near tears. Elijah approaches them.

"No. No, no. No..." He falls to his knees next to Hayley and realizes that she's dead. I stood where I was in shock. Hayley's dead. What about the baby?

"She's gone. Elijah starts to cry, which causes Klaus to start to cry, too. My hand covers my mouth as I keep the tears in. Hayley and I might've started on the wrong page we never talked a lot but I still cared for her. I mean, she was the mother of my niece. I walk up to my brothers and look down at Hayley's body. Klaus looks at Elijah and me.

"You've been bitten. Here." He bites into his wrist and offers it to me first. Elijah and I look at each other stunned because, for the first time, Klaus has offered us his blood without a challenge.


I pace back and forth as Elijah lays Hayley's body back onto the table at the sacristy while Klaus sits nearby.

 Elijah looks at Klaus, distraught. "How?"

"I was bested," Klaus whispers. I look at him

 Elijah becomes furious. You were bested? Huh." He walks toward Klaus but stops when I step in between them, putting my hand on his chest to stop him from going further. 

"Elijah-" I start but he cuts me off and shouts at Klaus.

"You were BESTED?" Klaus looks at him in shock. "My invincible brother."  Klaus pulls himself weakly to his feet and looks Elijah in the eyes.

"They took the baby. But, there's still time. We can save her."


The three of us rush around the cemetery, trying to figure out where the witches are keeping the baby, but we had no luck so far.

I walk out of one of the tombs. "The tombs are empty and the grounds are deserted. She's not here" I tell the duo.

"This is the only place they can be! We'll keep searching." Klaus says.

"They are NOT HERE, Niklaus! We're wasting time!" Elijah shouts. As the two continue arguing, I look at the angel statue in confusion. I don't think we're looking anywhere. We're going in circles.

 "The Harvest was here! The Reaping was here! They're about to perform a ritual that will feed their ancestors for centuries! Ancestors who are buried HERE!" 

"Enough, both of you!" I shout at them before pointing to the statue on top of one of the tombs. "That statue... We've passed it three times,  all whilst going in the same direction."  I look at my brothers in realization. "They've fabricated some kind of illusion." 

 Klaus vamp -speeds to the top of the tomb with the angel statue and tries to get a better view of the cemetery. He sighs. " That's one word for it."

𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 - 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘴 [1] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now