Gonna Set You on Fire - Part 1

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I STAND NEXT TO REBEKAH AS OUR MOTHER FINISHED SETTING UP THE SPELL. Fire suddenly sparks in four metal bowls surrounding her. She then lays the white oak stake on the end of the alter. I furrow my eyebrows.

"What the bloody hell is that doing here?" Rebekah asks.

"As each of you comes to your senses and takes my offer, I will destroy your vampire bodies" Esther explains.

Kol looks at her confused. "Mother, you said you wanted the stake to protect them!"

"Yeah, because we really trust her" I say.

"Yes, but not in their current bodies. Once they accept my offer, I will be righting two wrongs-"

Rebekah looks overwhelmed. "No"

"-having brought this evil into the world, then having subjected my own children to it" Esther says.

"That wasn't the deal" I hiss. "Stop the spell!"

"The spell is already done! I prepared it to be locked in the moment I turned over the hourglass" She says and Kol looks anxiously at me and Rebekah, who is horrified by this revelation and he sand continues to pour through the hourglass.

"Mother, think this through" Rebekah says. "You gave birth to this body, you can't destroy it!"

"I am only destroying its flesh!" Esther hisses. "Your beautiful soul will live on in the body of another" She looks at the hourglass and there's only 4-5 centimeters of sand left in the hourglass. "I have chosen well for you. A beautiful girl. Strong" Suddenly, Klaus reveals himself to be standing on the roof of a nearby crypt.

"MOTHER! Stop the spell!" He vamp-speeds toward them and stands next to Rebekah and I. "You and your traitorous son"

Lol looks at the three of us worried. "Nik, I didn't know anything about it, I swear"

"Oh, good" Our mother turns to face us all in realization. "I'm glad you two boys are friends again. I did wonder what you'd been up to in your time away. Now, I know"

"Stop the blasted spell!" Klaus says through grittee teeth.

"I'm afraid that's impossible"

"Anything is possible" He steps in front of Rebekah. "Take me instead"

My eyes widen. "Nik, no!"

"If only you'd taken my offer when it was still mine to give! Unfortunately, you've left me no choice but to make a... deal with Mikael" She says.

I stare at her, horrified. "Mikael?"

"When Finn and Kol went missing, I needed a new ally" Mother looks at Klaus. "All he wanted was the right to kill you" Klaus, overwhelmed, turns away from them to think. "Kol, I would ask you to deliver the stake to your father, but it seems your loyalties have been compromised"

Klaus turns back to her. "STOP THE SPELL, ESTHER!"

"No, it's okay, Nik. I can do this" Rebekah says. The sand in the hourglass is even closer to being gone.

"So, you're feeling murderous again. You should know, I've already chosen another body" She smiles.

"NOW!" Kol shouts and Klaus takes an athame off of the altar and stabs Esther in the neck with it. Esther falls to the floor, dead, just as the rest of the sand leaves the hourglass.

Suddenly, Rebekah starts to seize. "Rebekah?" I stare at her in concern. She starts to fall and Klaus catches her before she can hit the ground. "Rebekah!"

The hourglass suddenly explodes. Klaus and I look at each other, horrified. Did the spell work?


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey guys😄. Hope you're all doing well. I'm so sorry it took me really long to update. It's just I've been going through a lot. My grandparents passed away in the span of one week and it's really been hectic with school too.

But I promise I will try to update as frequent as possible (If I can).

Thanks for reading💋.
Until the next update🤘💕.
Loads of Love❤.


𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 - 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘴 [1] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now