Part 3

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I woke up with boston  on top of me. "Daddy daddy wake up. I am hungry" he cries out. "oKaY OkAy im coming jeez". I said. As I got up i remembered the wet dream I had

Once I feed Boston we decided to go to the park. "Are you ready to meet new friends". I said as we were walking. "Yeeessssss". Boston screamed out.

When we got to the park there were not some much children. But something caught my attention, it was CHRIS. What is he doing here and is he following me or is this just a coincidence.

"Honey lets go over there". I whispered to him.

"NOoo i wanna stay here". he yelled out.

Welp that caught chris attention and now he was heading towards your way. Smiling and waving at you

"Hey Diane How are you" . He says.

I nod,   "Hello chris i am good and you". I couldn't even look at him in the face.

"I am also doing fine. I am here with my nephews and niece, they are right over there" He points out.

I saw three little kids playing around the slide. 

"Well hello there Boston. I don't think i have introduce myself" Giving his hand out to shakes boston hand

Boston gives out his hand and says "Hewo " in the most cutest way ever

"How about you go play with my nephews while i chat with your daddy". He smiles.

Boston didn't hesitate and ran away leaving me alone with chris. I felt so fucking awkward

"Soooo what brings you to Sudbury". Chris asked

"well i worked as a model in ny and i wanted to live a calm life, so i decided to take a break and move here". I answered back

" probably already know who i am". Chris chuckled

I nod "yea i do and i have to admit that i had to research you cause i didn't know who you were before". I smiled

"I don't want to scare you off but i would love to get to know you better...  you know what i mean". he says nervously.

"Um i don't really know.  i am kinda busy" I said 

"please i insist, i want to know more about you.....i" he stops

"okay fine" i interrupted 

"Ok well how about we dine together at a restaurant tomorrow. I am not really a cooker.  I will pick you up at 7" He winks at me

"u-um sure thanks' I stuttered 

"Well cya tonight" he waves as he walks away

I stood their completely shocked. Did Chris evans ask me out!!!

"Daddy has a date haha". Boston teased me

"No i do not. We aren't even friends" i said

"Mhmmm yea right" boston giggled 

Well looks like I am going on a date with Chris evans. I hope everything goes well because if it doesn't i do not know what i will do. 

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