Part 35

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(Diane's pov)

"when are you and papa gonna get married." Boston asks. I almost spit out my wine. What was I going to say to him. Chris chuckles, "That depends on your papa." Great now Boston had his eyes on me, "Papa when" 

I gulp, "uh someday" He was about to open his mouth but I stuffed it with food. "Boston do you mind if I call you son?" Chris asks. What the hell was he doing. Boston smiled and nodded. Now he had done it, I grab him by his arm and take him behind the kitchen. "What the hell do you think your doing." I growl

"What his is also my son, he is our-" 

"NO...he is only my son. Cut will the bullshit or I'm kicking you out." 

Chris sighs, "look I'm not planning on taking him away for you. I've always wanted to my a dad and now that I know, I have a son with the person I love the most. I can't contain myself." God I wanted to smack this man.

"Well cut it out, for now" I say, glaring at him. "When will we tell him" he says. Gee I haven't really thought about that. "Not right now. I don't want to confuse him."

Chris cups my cheek with his hand, "you're so cute when your mad." 

I slap his hand away and walked back into the kitchen. 

(hours later)

"Here is your pillow and blanket. Goodnight." I say. "wait what, am I not going to sleep with you." he says.

"No Christopher, your sleeping in the couch." I say. "wait what, But I love sleeping with you. Plus it's cold down here." he says, with his puppy eyes. Dammit he wasn't wrong, I'm not that of a monster to let him die here.

I sigh, "Fine but don't you dare touch me" 

He spreads a smile on his face, we lay out our space and turned of the lights. "My family misses you, they're also worried." he says.

His family...I've missed them. "I miss them too...they don't have to worry about me. I'm fine"

Chris turns around, facing my back. "Are you though" 

I ignore him but he began poking my back. "Diane don't ignore me" 

His poking was beginning to annoy the hell out of me. "WHAT" I whispered loudly. "There we go now I could see your pretty face." he chuckles. I rolled my eyes and began turning around. When he grabbed my waist and pushed me to him. "It's cold" he whispers.

"let go of me" I mumble, with my face on is chest.

"Shut up and go to sleep love" he kisses me on my forehead. I use all my strength to break free from his embrace but gosh he is so strong. "Fuck you" I mutter. "Mhmm" he hums....

(3rd person pov)


Diane woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. He got up and headed to the kitchen. There he  found the dining table fill with food and Chris singing while cooking. "Good morning my love" Chris says. He walked  to Diane and tried kissing him but Diane put his hands on his lips. "No" Diane growls.

Chris puts on his sad disappointed face but he wasn't gonna give up. "I woke up early and decided to make a breakfast brunch" Chris says. "Thats sounds lovely. Can you also clean my house?" Diane says, sarcastically. "Stop trying, it's not gonna work."

His words hit Chris's heart like a bullet. "I guess I will have to try harder." Chris says. Diane rolls his eyes and begins eating. Chris saw Diane lost in his thoughts but what he didn't know was that Diane was planning on escaping again...

(Diane's pov)

'fuuuuuck, looks like we are escaping again tonight' 

the thing is I wanted to escape but there was no plan. Chris probably has eyes and ears on me. Look like this mission was gonna be hard. "how is dodger?" I ask. Chris looks up at him with a surprised face. "He is good...he misses Boston and you a lot"

I also miss him but I didn't tell him that. Boston finally wakes up and ends the awkward tension. We all finished eating and went out to the forest for a hike. I was beginning to feel tired, my feet hurt and it was so fucking hot. "Do you want me to carry you" Chris says. "No thanks" I response. He furrows his eyebrows, "Are you sure, you look tired"

I gave him a glare, "No shut up" 

"jeez stop being so mean"

We kept on walking until I couldn't anymore. I gasp for air as I fall on my knees. "Hey hey breathe" he says, "Come on let's go back home" 

He picks me up but I didn't protest. When we got home, he placed me on the couch and went to attend Boston. I saw as he helped him take his shoes off. 'damn he is such a dad material'

"hey try to rest, I will make dinner tonight" he says. 

Now it was time to plan my escape. 

Dinner was...great, since there was no Tv we all ended up going to sleep. I already  drug him again during dinner  but not in the water but in his food. When I came back from Boston's room, Chris was already asleep. Let's get movin...

Great it started raining and lighting began appearing. "Papa where are we go now?" Boston asks.

"Someplace cool" I say. 

I found myself loading the luggage inside the car. 

"Diane...where are you going"....

I turned around to see Chris standing a few feet from me. "isn't it obvious" I respond. He comes closer to me, "Please don't go...we can work this out." His hands cup my face and I allow it only to feel his final touch. 

"Goodbye Ch-"

A lightning strikes a tree and it falls down on top of the car. "NOOO" I yell. I raced to the car, that was beginning to set on fire, my son was still in there. I open the door finding him unconscious His little body was in my arms, everything went blurry for me as tears fell down. The only thing I could hear was the raindrops and my cries...

(Hours later)

We were in the hospital waiting for the Doctor. It was a traumatic event, the only thing I remember was the ambulance coming and taking us here. "Parents of Boston Montgomery" the doctor says. 

"Here" we both yell, standing up. "Uh your son is okay. Just a broken arm, you can come and see him now" the doc says. Oh thank god my little baby was okay. "Thank you doc" Chris says. The doctor nods and leaves. 

"This is my fault" I mutter. 

"No it's not Diane. It was no ones" Chris says, consoling me. My arms spreads around to hug him, "I'm sorry." 

Chris hugs back, "It's okay my love, everything will be alright." 

I look up at him and gently press my lips to his. This kiss was one of the best kisses I've received from him.  "I want go home and marry you" I giggle pulling away. Chris smiles, "Of course my love, of course...

(Awww looks like they have finally forgiving each other. I feel sad that this book is almost at it's end :(

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