Part 5

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I was preparing for my "invitation" with chris. I put on some formal stripe pants pants and a black turtleneck and hired a babysitter for boston. It was exactly 7 when he pulled up with his car. I started heading his way as he got out of his car to greet me. "Hey Diane ready for our appointment" Chris chuckled nervously. "Yea sure" I said back smiling at him. He looked exaggerating handsome with a grey suit and a white shirt.

The car ride was hella awkward, I couldn't think of anything to say so I just sat there quietly and looking out the window. "So how is it being a fashion model." Chris asked. "Oh it's fun, get to know people and travel to different place. How about you, is it fun being a famous actor" I asked back. "yea it is the same thing as you, different people and places." chris chuckled. We got to the restaurant which was a steak house btw. Chris got out first and opened the car door for me like a gentleman, which was not necessary. "Good Evening what is your reservation Sir" asked the Accountable. "Evans" Chris replied back. "Follow me to your table" She said. 

The restaurant was fancy and nice. We got to our table and sat down. I could tell that he was nervous by the way he looked and started to sweat a bit. "the restaurant is very nice, i like it" I said and smiled. "I'm glad you like it, gotta admit i didn't know what to choose" he said nervously. "it's fine, stop getting nervous i don't bite" I winked at him. The waitress came and ask us what we wanted. We did our orders and sat there quietly. "Do you have any family." Chris asked. "Use to my parents dead when I was a teen and my sister died in an accident" I replied back. "Oh i am sorry i didn't mea-." "it's okay you were just curious it happens." I interrupted him

Our food got to our table and we started eating. As time went on I started drinking more and more. "h-how are you so beautiful, you you look like a freaking god" I said drunkenly.

(Chris pov) 

When he ask me why am i so beautiful, I blushed and wanted to ask him the same thing. "Did you know that I'm half Mexican and half Italian , my mother was Mexican American and my father was Italian. "Oh really." I replied back. "Yeaa people will always say how i look more like my father but had the same characteristics as my mother. My mother was a beautiful strict woman, i remember how she use to play with me but my father was an asshole. He came from a wealthy family, my mother was took force by him. She married him, had children and was kept as a prisoner." he said. I didn't know what to say, i felt bad for him.

"I'm sorry" I said. "My life became joyful again when Boston came to me." he laughs. "

"Did you know that he is not my son, he is my sister's son. I'm just his uncle." He whispered to me.  I was shocked and surprised. "Huh i didn't know that" I nervously laughed. "Had to take him in when my sister died." he chuckled. "I am also very gay super gay" he said.

I was very surprised for everything he just said and the fact that he is gay made things easier for me to win him. "what time is it? i need to get home before 11." Diane said. "It's 10:40 " I replied back. "oh shit we gotta leave" he yelled out. I payed for dinner and headed out to the car where diane was leaning on. "C'mon slow poke" he said. We got to his house when it started raining. 

"Um well i had a good tim-". "stay" Diane said.

"what um are you sure i don't want to bother  you" i nervously chuckled

"No stay lets watch some movies and drink more."  he said

"ok sure if it's okay with you." I replied back. Diane started making popcorn and serving us wine. We sat down and started watching disney movies. "Is it okay if we watch disney cause that's the only thing i personally love" he giggled. "It's fine I'm also a big fan of disney" I replied.

Time went on and we kept watching movies, we laughed and giggled together. "You know that this is my first time going out with someone since last 5 years" Diane said. "Really I don't believe you. Why would a cute guy like you be single for 5 years." I smiled.  "Well I guess I haven't found the perfect guy to be with and being a single guy with a kid is hard." he smiled back. "thank you for taking m out chris." he said. Diane began to come closer and gave me a hug. I was frozen, didn't know what to do. "No problem cutie" I hugged back. He kept hugging me and then he started to cuddle with me so I did the same. Diane eventually went to sleep still cuddling each other and he used my chest as a pillow each i found very cute. "Oh Diane how i wish this could happen everyday. I think I'm falling in love with you" I kissed him in the forehead. I felled asleep hugging him tight.

(Diane's Pov)

I woke up with me cuddling with Chris. "holy shit what happened last night" I whispered. I got off Chris arms without waking him up, "he looks so cute when he is sleeping." I thought to myself. Wait what i didn't just call him cute did I? I was so confused at what I was starting to feel. I went to the bathroom, washed my face and teeth and headed to Boston room. He was still sleeping which i was very glad because i didn't want him to see me cuddling with a stranger. I headed back to the living room to wake Chris up. "Chris wake up" I whispered. He groaned and didn't want to wake up. "Come on big guy let's go" I kept insisting. He woke up and said "Oh Diane Good morning." 

"Good morning Chris, can you tell me what happened last night?" I asked. "Well we went out for dinner, you drank a little to much and started to spill tea about your life and family. Then we went home and you invited me to stay, we watched movies and you kept hugging me which i responded back and did the same." he chuckled. "oh god i hope i didn't make you uncomfortable." I nervously laughed. "No you didn't in fact I had a good time with you and i hope I could take you on another date again." he winked. I blushed and said "um sure if that's what-." 

"Diane i like you and i hope i can get to know you better." he smiled. "I like you too chris and I also want to know you better" I smiled back. "well it's confirmed, we are going on another date" he chuckled.  "I guess so" I replied back. "well i have to go" chris said. "Goodbye chris." I said.

I saw as he got in his car and went away. I couldn't stop thinking about him, could he be the one, nah it's to early to assume. I laid in the couch and thought how good he smells and the way his chest is so big and soft. I giggled to myself and kept thinking of him. "Dada" Boston said. I got up and saw him standing there rubbing his eyes. "Good morning honey." I smiled. "I'm hungry". he said. "daddy will go make us breakfast" I replied back. As i made breakfast i kept thinking of Christopher Robert Evans.

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