Part 34

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After the um the sex, Chris felled asleep, while I fed Boston dinner and then gave him a bath. I stepped out of the tub and dressed into my pjs. Making my way to my room to hear cries and groans. "Diane please don't go" Chris cries. "I love you... please stay" 

I look at him before sitting down  "Shh it's all right, I'm here." I whisper, massaging his scalp.

"Diane? I-I thought you left again" he sobbed, with tears rolling down his cheek. He was trembling. "Are you sick?" I ask, touching his forehead. "No just a little cold...can we cuddle?" I sigh, "Sure, make some space" 

He scooch over and pats the bed with a warm smile around his face. He curls up next to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek. I felt awkward and scared to accept his embrace. Eventually I lean in and hugged him as we close our eyes. 

(Next morning)

I was making a big breakfast for Chris considering of that he probably hasn't ate well. "Good morning" I smile, as Boston comes in. "Good morning papa. Where is Chris?"

"He is sleeping right now" I respond. "when is he going to wake up, I want to play with him" Boston says, groaning. I set the table and food down while Boston kept complaining. "Diane...good morning" He says. He gently grabs my waist and pulls me for a kiss. 

I should have pulled away but my body betrayed me. He pulls away and smiles before sitting next to Boston. They both begin talking and laughing, it's like everything was normal, like it never happen. "What do you guys wanna do today?" Chris asks

"Me and Boston are going to the lake today." I say. "Cool can I come with you guys?"

"I think you should rest an-"

"No I am fine, especially after the exercise and the good sleep I had." He chuckles. 

oh god did he really had to go there. "Hm sure okay" I say. We finish eating dinner and prepare to go to the lake. "I don't know if I have big swim trunks for you, Let me check"  "Take your time" Chris says.

I did end up finding him a swim trunk and we headed to the lake. "Wow this place is nice" Chris says. I smile and nod as I place the blankets down. Boston immediately runs to lake where some kids where playing.

Me and Chris stayed there, all silent. "You haven't told why you left." Chris says. 

"Chris I really don't want to talk about that" 

"why not" he mutters. "Is it that bad."

I don't respond. 

"Just for you to know, I will will be there for you because I love you" Chris says. 

"tell me why can't you leave, move on Christopher." I say. "Because I love you." he growls.

I got up and headed to the cabin as he follow from behind. "Diane please stop walking away" he says. "You can't hide the true forever" I let out a chuckle, "I'm not, I will show you it." I got the box out the closet and throwed on the bed. "What's this?" he asks

"Check it out." 

He opens it, "Photo albums, Diane what's all this about." 

I grabbed of photo of my sister and shoved it on his, "Do you recognize her. She is my sister." His eyes look at photo carefully before putting on a shock face. "Do you remember her now" I growled.

He looks up at me, "I-I do"

"what was she too you?" I asked, already knowing the answer. He doesn't open his mouth. "WHAT WAS SHE TO YOU"

"She was a friend" he mumbles. I pushed to the wall and gripped on his shirt "LIAR, YOU GUYS HAD ADVENTURES TOGETHER. YOU WERE MORE THEN FRIENDS. SHE ENDED UP PREGANT BECAUSE OF YOU"

"Are you saying that Boston is my..." 

"yes idiot he is your son...

(3rd pov)

"yes idiot he is your son" Those words struck inside me like a bullet. "What...she never told me." 

"I know that, she was scared. She had no one besides me." Diane says, sitting on the bed. "I could  have helped her if she would have told me." Chris says. Chris went to hug Diane but Diane shoved him away. "Don't Chris, ours is over" 

"You can't say that. We love each other, I love you only Diane"

Diane sighs, "Yes and I love you too but I cannot bare marrying the man of my child and that once dated my sister... I'm sorry"

"What I had with her was just...benefits. We didn't date or-"

"So my sister was practically your slut is that what you are trying to say." 

"NO, no we...we" Chris couldn't think of anything to say. "Yea that's what I was thinking...coward" Diane mutters. "You can stay for now but I want you out by the end of the week, okay?"

Chris just stood there quiet as Diane left to the lake. "I love you Diane" Chris shouts. 

Chris didn't know how but he will win Diane's heart back but. He was willing to wait even if it had to take an eternity...

(Diane's pov) 

"I love you Diane" he shouts.

God every time he touches me and says he loves me, I get a little  breathless. I knew I shouldn't want it but its him. How did a perfect man like him even end up with me. And why did I tell him one week, why not right now. Fuck my fucking heart for saying that to make him stay a little longer.  I want to hate him but I can't, it's not his fault. The only thing I was grateful for was my son Boston. 

Chris practically gave him to me, I don't know what would have been of me if I've never got Boston. 

I sat on the sand, watched my son as he played with his friends. Chris was right behind me.

"Thank you for giving me my son" I say.

Chris chuckle and sits next to, "He is our son Diane not just mine but also yours. You have raised him.

"still thanks." I smile. 

Chris smiles back, "No thank you for loving and caring for me. I don't know what will be of us but I love you."

God how many times does he have to say 'I love you' in his Boston accent. 

His lips give me a peck on the cheek, "You are the love of my life...

(Yay the chapter is longer, hope you liked this chapter. Do you think Diane will accept Chris?)

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