Hearing Her Voice

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It's been a bit over a month since Natsu joined Fairy Tail High. He's joined basketball and volleyball.

Right now he was outside during lunch hour playing a round of basketball with his friends. Gray, Gajeel, and Jellal. It was two on two. Natsu and Gajeel VA Gray and Jellal.

Erza watched her boyfriend Jellal play. Erza was also Lucy's friend.

Lucy was there two. She had her headphones on. She bounced her head up and down as she listened to her music.

Lucy wore black leggings, and a black baggy tank top with blue electric music note designs on it. Tied around her waste was her grey hoodie. And she had on blue sneakers.

Erza wore a school like uniform, with her glasses. She was on a girls wrestling team. No surprise.

Levy who sat next to Lucy wore a yellow head band, a yellow shirt that had the words 'BOOKWORM' printed in red on it, black leggings, and her red sneakers.

The guy's game was done and Gray and Jellal won.

Gray went up to Natsu.

"Hey good game man! " Gray bro fisted Natsu.
(A/N: imma bro... Don't judge. I like pewdiepie...)

" Yeah man thanks. " Natsu said.

" Dude you know Lucy Heartfillia? " Jellal said.

" She's in my class. Why? " Natsu asked. Gray, Gajeel, and Jellal's eyes widened.

" She's not only one of the most cutest girls in school, but... " Gray said.

" She is the school's number one musician. She's awesome at any instrument she picks up. " Gajeel said.

" I've never heard her play...or talk... " Natsu said.

" People say you can hear her speak through her music. " Jellal said." Last year in the school's annual musical contest...she put everyone in tears after playing her piano piece. "

Natsu looked over at Lucy. Lucy was sharing her music with Erza and Levy.

" You need to hear her play. I like it when she plays the drums. " Gajeel said.

" I like her guitar the best. " Gray said.

" I'm with piano. " Jellal said.

" Has she ever talked to you guys? " Natsu asked. All the guys shook their heads.

" The only people who heard her talk here has been Levy, Erza, Mira, Lisanna, Juvia, Cana, and Wendy. " Gray said.

Natsu wondered why she didn't talk.

" Hey Lucy. Isn't music class next hour? " Levy asked, Lucy nodded.

" I wish I was in your class. I won't be able to hear your violin solo. " Levy whined." Erza you're so lucky! You have the same class with her next hour. "

" I can't wait to hear you play Lucy. Wasn't it suppose to be a sad violin piece? " Erza asked." Well... Get ready for tears!"

The bell rang and Erza, Jellal and Gray went to the music room. When Lucy had to do her violin piece, she put the class in tears.

"It's like you can actually feel the sadness coming out from the music. " Jellal said as class ended, whipping away his tears.

Out in the hall Levy ran up to Lucy.

" Lucy! You doing anything after school? " Levy asked. Lucy nodded.

" Awwww... OK. How bout tomorrow? " Levy asked and Lucy shook her head." Good! "

Lucy went off to her last class. History.

History was an easy class. And quick. After class, Lucy went straight to the music room.

-Natsu's P. O. V -

I just finished basketball practice. My side won.

Right now I was walking down the hall with Gray.

"Seems like the girls are in to you lately. " Gray said.

" Yeah. So annoying. But unlike you, I don't have a stalker girlfriend. " I teased.

" Hey! Juvia's a nice girl. " Gray argued.

We continued to walk down the hall, until I heard music. Gray grabbed my arm, and looked excited.

" Dude! Lucy's playing the piano! Let's go. " Gray dragged me down the hall to the music room.

I looked in through the window that was on the door. It was Lucy.

I silently opened the door. She didn't seem to notice me and Gray slipping in the room.

I started to feel really sad. Tears ran down my face. The song she played was really heartbreaking. Like all I could do was cry.

I looked over at Gray, he also had tears down his face.

Lucy continued to play. At the end of the song, Lucy was still for a few seconds.

She seemed to be writing something. Then a notebook came hurling toward me.

The notebook him my face, then dropped to the ground.

"Ow! " I hissed. I picked up the notebook. It said, 'How was it? It's a new piece I'm working on.'

Gray read it over my shoulder.

" It was awesome. Put me to tears. " Gray said. Was that a compliment? Probably was if a music piece is that sad.

" I really liked it. But it was really sad. " I said. I gave her back her notebook. She wrote something on it and handed it back.

'I got a happier song if you wanna hear it."  it said.

"Sure. If you don't mind. " I said. She nodded and flexed her fingers. She started to play a much more happier tune. Made me and Gray smile.

When she was done with the happy tune, she looked at us.

" I like that one a lot better. " I put my thumb up.

" OH crap! I gotta go. Cya tomorrow Lucy, Natsu. " Gray said, then ran out.

Lucy got up. Her bag lay next to her on the ground. She picked it up, and took out her phone. She also wrote something down and handed a piece of paper to me.

'Here's my number. Call me. We are friends right? ' it said, then at the bottom showed her phone number.

"Of course we are. " I said. She nodded.

" I've got a question. " I said, she looked at me." Why don't you talk? Did something happen? "

She wrote something down again and handed paper to me.

'I'd rather not say. ' it said.

" OK. " I said. Then she walked out.

What did her voice sound like? That's what I really want to know.

Her Voice (Another NALU!!!)Where stories live. Discover now