Back To School!

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Lucy woke her skinny jeans, a purple shirt that had frillys at the end, and at the end of the sleeves. And brown ankle boots.
She bolted down the sidewalk to school. She wasn't late but she was excited.

Her friends were already at school.
Juvia wore her black leggings, dark blue tank top that we longer in the back, the a light blue sweatshirt that ended at the middle of her belly. She let her hair down, and she had born wedges that were up to her knee.
Gray had his arm around her shoulders and lightly kissed her forehead. Juvia smiled sweetly up at him.
Levy wore her blue and purple bandana, a dark blue shirt that said 'Yeah, I fight like a girl... Jealous?'  in hot pink colors. Then skinny jeans and brown sandals.
Gajeel wore regular jeans, same as Gray and Natsu and Jellal, and he wore a plain black shirt. Natsu had on a black shirt that said 'FIRE' in fire letters. Gray wore an joy blue shirt, then Jellal wore a dark green shirt.
Erza wore her school uniform with 'the glasses'. Then Lisanna wore a light purple plain shirt, jean shorts that were down to her knees, and brown sandals.

"Where's Luce? " Natsu asked.
" How am I suppose to know? " Gray said.
" Don't worry Natsu. I'm sure she's on her way. " Levy said.

Lucy kept running. She was getting close to the school she could see her friends. Someone ran beside her.
The girl had long dark blue hair that was in pigtails. Wore a purple shirt, and Jean shorts, with brown sandals.
The girl in blue hair... You guessed it... Wendy Marvel! The one and only. In the flesh!
Wair you didn't guess that?

Lucy ran into Natsu. She grasped his shoulder and bent over panting. Wendy did the same but grasped Lucy's shoulder.
"Luce? " Natsu said.
" Oh god! Wendy you're back! " Lisanna,Juvia, and Levy squealed and hugged her tightly.
" How was your trip to America? " Jellal asked.
" It was fun... I had to learn some English there. " Wendy said once she caught her breath.
" Oh... "Lucy said standing up straight." Wendy. "
Wendy looked up at Lucy.
" This is Natsu Dragneel... " Lucy said." Natsu this is Wendy Marvel. "
" Nice to meet Lucy's boyfriend. " Wendy smiled.
" How did you know that? " Lucy asked.
" I saw how when he came into sight you ran faster. " Wendy grinned.
" You little devil! " Lucy growled and tackled Wendy playfully. Wendy laughed and Lucy laughed to.
" Those two. " Erza sighed.
" Are they always like that? " Natsu asked.
" At least those two are when they're together. " Juvia sighed.
" They're like sisters. " Lisanna said.
Lucy stopped playing with Wendy. She turned to Natsu who was looking a different way.
She went on her tippy toes and planted a kiss on his cheeks Natsu turned his head and smiled. Then kissed her forehead.

Erza saw her chance and took it. She planted a kiss right on Jellal's lips. Juvia did the same.
Levy looked at Gajeel from the side and blushed. She started twiddling her thumbs looking down.
"G-Ga-! " Levy was interrupted when Gajeel planted a light kiss on her lips.

Lisanna texted and took a picture of Levy and Gajeel to Mira.
Wendy laughed.
" Hey didn't you guys hear! " Levy said.
" What? " Juvia asked.
" Tomorrow we go on a field trip for three days at a resort. Principle Makarov said we're gonna kick back first then do exams next week. And Friday's off this week." Levy smiled.
" Sweet! " they all said.
Levy and Lucy wrote down notes for the exams.
Levy went creative and did little picture saying things to explain stuff clearly.
She was a good drawer. And all the pictures were chibi Gajeels. Levy smiled at them.
Some were mad and some were cute and some were happy. She also drew his cat PantherLilly with wings. (exceed)
Lucy also drew mini pictures with her work. But hers were Natsu chibi.
When he was angry he'd be spitting out fire. Some were cute and Happy. Then she drew Happy with wings.
Erza in another class room did the same but chibi jellal with no pets.
Wendy did a boy named Romeo she'd met. She drew him chibi.
Then Juvia drew chibi Gray.
Yukino did chibi Sting with his cat Lecter with wings.
And Minerva did chibi Rouge with his cat Frosch in a frog costume with wings.


End of chapter............





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