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Lucy woke up in Natsu's bed. Natsu had his arm around her tightly. She sat up.
She took out her phone. She had a text message from Levy.
'Guess whose waiting for you at the vet?! ' Levy texted.
"Oh god! Finally! " Lucy smiled widely and turned to Natsu." Natsu, Natsu! Wake up! "
Natsu awoke to a hyper Lucy who looks really excited.
" How can you be so hyper in the morning? " Natsu asked sleepily.
" Get up! I want you to meet somebody. " Lucy said excited.
Natsu sat up. Lucy hopped off the bed.
Natsu watched her get up sleepily. He rubbed his eyes and scooted off the bed.
" Come on! " Lucy said excitedly.
" I'm coming. " Natsu yawned.
Lucy opened the door and Happy walked out.
"Where are we going?"  Natsu asked.
"that's a secret. " Lucy smiled. Natsu slightly smiled.
" Tell me who I'm meeting. "  Natsu said.
" That's also a secret. " Lucy smiled wider.
Natsu sighed. He put on his shoes same as Lucy. Happy walked to the door with them and grabbed Natsu's pants.
" Is it OK if Happy comes with us? " Natsu asked.
" Of course! " Lucy said excited of course.
Natsu put a leash on Happy and they walked out.
" I can't wait til you meet him! "Lucy said excitedly.
" him? " Natsu asked.
" Yes! " Lucy said.
Natsu's mind raced at different thoughts about this 'him'.

" We're here! " Lucy said.
Natsu looked up and saw 'Vet'.
" The vet?" Natsu asked.
Lucy smiled and walked in the vet. Natsu and Happy followed her in.
A small white cavalier king charles spaniel ran over to Lucy.
"Plu! " Lucy squealed and the small dog jumped into her arms. Plu licked her cheek a lot. Levy them walked up.
" He missed you a lot Lu. " Levy smiled.
" Awwwww.... Whose my little Plu! " Lucy pet Plu and he stuck out his tongue.
Lucy turned to Natsu.
" Meet Plu. " Lucy said handing Plu to him. Natsu held Plu and Plu licked his face a lot.
" HI Plu. " Natsu said.
" Oh... And he's trained so he won't chase Happy. " Lucy said. Natsu nodded.
" Oh Lu... Here's Plu's leash. I dropped off his bed, bowl, and toys at your place. " Levy said.
" Thanks Levy. " Lucy said. She took the leash and hooked it onto Plu's collar. Natsu put him down and Plu and Happy started playing.
" Happy likes him. " Natsu said.
" So cuuuutttteee! " Lucy and Levy squealed.
" Well cya Levy. " Lucy said as Natsu and her walked out.

The two sat down on a bench in the park. Plu and Happy played with each other. Or went to the bathroom.
" Natsu. " Lucy said.
" Yeah? " Natsu looked at Lucy.
" Nothing. I just wanted to say your name. " Lucy smiled. Natsu smiled back.
Natsu wrapped his arm around Lucy's waist. Natsu kissed Lucy cheek.
" Well Natsu... I should get back home. I'll see you tomorrow I guess. " Lucy said and kissed Natsu's lips. Then she got up and started walking with Plu.
Natsu watched her walk away until she was out of his sight. Natsu sighed and Happy looked up at him.
" Guess it's just you and me buddy. " Natsu smiled slightly.
He got up and took Happy's leash and they walked back home.

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