Study Group

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Levy had her head down on the desk and slumped.
Lucy sat next to her, Natsu across from them.
"Hey... Lev? " Lucy said." Are you alright? "
" It's Gajeel... " Levy sighed.
" What happened? " Natsu asked.
" He confessed to me that he likes me... But... Now we have a child that plopped out of his ass and now we're putting our female child up for adoption. " Levy explained.
" I don't even wanna know. " Lucy said.
" I don't get it... " Natsu said.
" Natsu... " Levy looked up and stared at him." Gajeel made a stinky... Then called it our child. "
" Huh? " Natsu said, confused.
" He called his poop our child. " Levy finished." Do you need further explanations. "
" Gajeel has alot a problems doesn't he. " Natsu groaned.
" He said I looked like it and it was beautiful! " Levy cried.
Lucy hugged Levy and Levy cried in her shirt.
" It's alright Lev... He's wrong. " Lucy said." You're as beautiful as a book on a warm, sunny afternoon. "
" Thank you Lu! " Levy cried.
" How is that beautiful?! "Natsu asked.


" Natsu... " Lucy mumbled.
Natsu looked at her.
" Yeah? " Natsu asked.
" Nothing... It was just... " Lucy hung her head." Nothing... "
" Luce... What's wrong? " Natsu asked.
" I... I wanna tell you something after our study group... OK... J-Just... " Lucy grabbed Natsu's collar and started dragging him in Mira's cafe where every one was suppose to meet up.
" Hey Lu! " Levy yelled and immediately hugged her best friend.
" Levy! " Lucy smiled.

Gray, Gajeel, Lisanna, Erza, Jellal, Juvia, and Wendy were all there ready to study.
" Did you all remember your books? " Erza asked.
" Yes ma'am...." everyone said plainly.

Everyone opened their books and started studying.
Before they new it Mira had to kick them all out because the cafe was closing.
So everyone began walking home together.

Something dropped outta Lucy's pocket as she was walking. It was a folded piece of paper.
"Hey Lu... You dropped something. " Levy said. She reached down and grabbed it.
Levy opened the paper and read it.
" L-Lu.... " Levy stuttered." Wh-What is this? "
Lucy reached out to the paper Levy held.
" Give it back! " Lucy screamed.
Levy got the paper outta her reach.
Jellal reached up and grabbed the paper.
" Lucy... " he said." You didn't get excepted? "
Lucy sat down, hiding her eyes with her hair.
" What!? " Natsu yelled." How could you not get excepted in the collage!? "
" And... You texted me saying you wanted to say something. " Lisanna said, looking at her phone." I wanna know what that is... And I don't think it's about collage.... "
Lisanna went over to Lucy and looked at her.
" I wanna know why didn't you tell any of us you didn't get accepted and what this text was all about... " Lisanna said.
" I lied... " Lucy said.
" About? " Juvia asked.
" About my dad... " Lucy mumbled." He did treat me bad... But I'm not lying about that. "
" Then what is it? " Gray asked.
" He didn't die... He's still alive. " Lucy said." And the reason I couldn't get in is because that's the collage he owns. "
" But... He's your father. " Juvia said.
" He wants me to go home... And live with him... Then I can go to his collage. " Lucy said." He also told me he has a new wife and children. He wants me in the family again... Not that I ever was... But I can't go to his collage if I don't agree. "
" How come you didn't tell me!? " Levy yelled. She tackled Lucy to the ground.
" Hey! " Lucy yelled.
" Why didn't you say anything!? " Levy yelled and punched Lucy's cheek.
Lucy punched Levy back.
" I didn't want to! " Lucy screamed.
Levy and her started wrestling.
" How come!? " Levy screamed." I'm your best friend! I want to help you... But you never tell me... You never tell me what bothers you! You never have! So I can't help you! And now I hear that you've lied about your dad! "
Levy slapped Lucy. Lucy fell and held her cheek.
" I... I'm sick and tired... Of you keeping to yourself! " Levy screamed.
Lucy got up and punched her stomach.
The two kept punching and slapping.
Natsu held Lucy back then, and Gajeel held Levy back.
" You two are best friends.... What's gotten into you both? " Erza asked.
Natsu looked down at Lucy.
" J-just calm down! " Juvia panicked.
Lucy clenched her knuckles and got out of Natsu's grip and ran.
" Lucy! " Lisanna yelled and ran after her.
Everyone else stayed behind.
" It's not like we didn't expect her to run. " Gray sighed.
" That was a really intense fight are you OK Levy? " Jellal asked.
" Levy? " Gajeel said.
" I'm... " Levy clenched her teeth. Then tears poured from her eyes. She hugged Gajeel and cried in his arms.

" Lucy! " Lisanna growled and jumped forward and tackled Lucy to the ground." Now... Please tell m-"
Lisanna stopped talking as she looked down at Lucy.
Lucy was crying under her.
"Lucy... " Lisanna said as she got off her.
Lucy curled up into a ball and cried.
" Lucy... Crying like a child... Doesn't do anything. " Lisanna said.
Lucy sat up on her knees, but kept crying. Trying to hold her crying back.
" What are you even crying for? " Lisanna asked." It's not like this is the worst day in your life... You've got more days in your life that could be even worse. But you'll get through each one. Because... It's you. "
Lisanna looked up away.
There was silence.
Lisanna looked at Lucy and realized she wasn't crying anymore.
" Lisanna... I've already decided... Of what I'm going to do. " Lucy said.
" What is it? "Lisanna asked.
" *** ******* ** ****** **** ** ***" Lucy said, and Lisanna's eyes widened. "*** ***** **** *** ** ** *** *****"

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