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Lucy stared up at Natsu. Lucy saw less greediness in his eyes then before. But she did see anger and love in his eyes.
Natsu got down and kissed her lips again. Lucy pushed on his lips with hers. Natsu let go of her other hand and caressed her right cheek.
His hand that caressed her hip, slid inside her shirt and it moved up and down her side. Natsu picked up Lucy and she sat on his lap kissing him.

(A/N: Don't worry... This is not a lemon... Sorta.)

Natsu took off his shirt. After he took off his shirt he gave Lucy a quick kiss. After that Lucy took of her long sleeved shirt and her shoes. Under her sweatshirt was a low white tank top.
Lucy put her hands on his cheeks and kissed him. Natsu hugged her around the waist.
Natsu pulled away and set Lucy back down. Lucy had her back on the couch arm. And Natsu sat on top of her thighs. Natsu kissed her neck, collarbone, and shoulder.
"Natsu... Can you...hurt me? " Lucy asked and blushed. Natsu tapped her forehead with his.
" Why do you want me to hurt you? " Natsu asked.
" When you were cold to me... It made my heart burst... But you've never physically hurt me... I want you to. " Lucy said." I don't care if you give me bruises. "
Natsu grinned at her. Lucy gave him puppy dog eyes.
" OK... But if you can't take anymore of the pain tell me. " Natsu said. Lucy nodded.
Natsu first bit down on her lower lip hard. Lucy flinched and kissed him.
He then crushed her wrists while holding them down. Natsu bit her neck next. He squeezed her shoulders.
Natsu wrapped his left arm around her, and her right hand was tangled in her hair. He pulled her hair kissing her neck roughly.
"Ah! " Lucy moaned.
Natsu smirked and continued.
Natsu trailed his right hand down to her thigh. He lifted her leg from under him and squeezed, and rubbed.
Then he moved her tank top up and started biting, kissing, and licking her stomach.
His massive hand tortured her skin, and made her burning hot. Millions of bruises appeared on her skin as she didn't care. She just kissed Natsu and let him touch her body.
Lucy and Natsu were both warm and started breathing heavily.
Natsu decided to cover Lucy's mouth with his hand. Lucy tried prying his hand off with both of her hands. He took one of her hands with his free hand and licked her fingers.
He started biting her fingers too. Lucy winced but didn't want him to stop.
He grabbed her hair again and pulled her towards him. Lucy followed behind her hair. Natsu bit the tip of her nose. His hand crushed her side. Lucy kissed his chin and Natsu let go.
"I already gave you lots of bruises. How far are you willing to go with this? " Natsu asked with a grin, but his eyes were a little concerned.
" As far as it will take... " Lucy huffed.
Natsu picked up Lucy. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Natsu and Lucy walked while kissing to Lucy's bedroom door.
Natsu lifted Lucy off the ground, and she planted her hands on his broad shoulders. She leaned against the door as Natsu held her up.
Lucy looked down at Natsu.
"Luce... " Natsu said softly and brought her down. He hugged her, and she wrapped her arms around him.
" Luce... I think... I think I've fallen in love with you. " Natsu said gently in her ear.
" I think I've fallen in love with you too, Natsu. " Lucy said.
Natsu smiled same as Lucy. Natsu back a little aways then kissed Lucy. This kiss was different from the others. It was loving and passionate.
Lucy opened her bedroom door behind her. Natsu picked up Lucy by the waist and threw her down on the bed.
Natsu crawled on the bed and laid next to Lucy. He leaned o  his elbow and stared at her. Lucy smiled up at him.
Soon enough sleep had taken hold of her mind, as she snuggled next to Natsu.

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