Karaoke Led To This?

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Natsu and Lucy walked down the street to the karaoke place just the next turn ahead. Lucy had no notebook.
"You're so forward.  And pushy... " Lucy said.
Natsu grinned.
" You wanted to see what kinda man I was. Now you know. " Natsu said. But he wasn't cold.
Lucy wanted him to act coldly to her again. She thought it was hot.
" You were so cold to me. " Lucy said having her hand in a loose fist covering her mouth. Natsu looked over at her. She was blushing a bit.
" Sorry. Didn't mean to. " Natsu said.
Lucy looked at him with tempting eyes.
" Natsu... " Lucy stopped walking and grabbed his sleeve. Natsu turned around and looked at her face.
She was tilting her head looking a little down to the side blushing. She looked like a child to Natsu. He thought it was extremely cute.
" What is it Luce? " Natsu asked.
" W-We're here. " Lucy said pointing up and a sign that said 'KARAOKE'.
Natsu and Lucy walk in. They were lead to a karaoke room.
" Luce... You sing first. " Natsu said.
" N-No! I can't sing... " Lucy said looking a bit embarrassed.
" Sure you can. Now pick a song. " Natsu insisted. Lucy looked up at him with a childish look.
" If you do one thing for me. " Lucy said.
" What? " Natsu asked.
" Um... This might seem weird but... C-Can you act cold to me again? " Lucy said. Natsu looked at her strangely then smiled.
" OK. But I'm not sure why though. " Natsu smiled.
" That's not being cold. "
" You haven't done a song yet. I'll act cold after you do a song. "
Lucy nodded. She decided to do a song called 'The Voice'. She started singing the Voice.
Natsu was surrounded by her enchanting voice. He smiled slightly and swayed back and forth. Until the song was over. Lucy looked at Natsu. She was a bit embarrassed.
Natsu looked coldly at her. He was fulfilling his part of the deal perfectly.
Lucy's heart started to pound in her chest.
Natsu had the urge to get up and grab Lucy in his arms and kiss her tender lips. But Lucy had the urge to make him angry at her.
"Natsu... Would you like to go back to my apartment? " Lucy asked.
" Sure, it's not like I've got anything better to do. " Natsu said coldly. Lucy smirked and blushed.

Lucy walked into her apartment first, while Natsu walked behind her. Natsu couldn't take it anymore.
He grabbed Lucy's left upper arm with his right hand, and slammed her against the entrance door. Natsu trapped her there.
Lucy's eyes were wide with shock and confusion. Natsu trailed his hand down to the door knob and locked the door.
"N-Natsu? " Lucy said. Natsu looked at her with his cold gaze." Natsu? Are you OK? Why did you lock the door? "
" Luce... Just shut up... " Natsu said coldly and picked up her chin and drew her closer.
Then Natsu's phone rang. But he ignored it. He wanted nothing else but to kiss Lucy.
" Natsu... Your phone. " Lucy said a bit quietly.
" Leave it... It doesn't matter. " Natsu said coldly to her like she wanted. He wrapped his free arm that didn't hold her chin around her waist.
" Na-mmf! " before Lucy could say his name, Natsu kissed her roughly. Lucy closed her eyes tightly. Lucy hands started grabbing Natsu's shirt tightly. One of Natsu's hands were on the back of her head, pushing her into the kiss, and the other wrapped around her waist.
Natsu kept the kiss rough, and taunted her tongue with his. He stole Lucy's first Kiss.
Natsu and Lucy started walking back while they kissed. Natsu pulled out of the kiss, then threw Lucy on the couch. Lucy huffed and blushed while staring up at Natsu. Natsu intertwined his fingers with hers and held her hands above her head. Then he kissed her roughly again.
"Na... Natsuuu... " Lucy huffed as Natsu pulled away. Natsu kissed her lips again and again. Each one, more rougher then the other.
" Natsuuu... S-Stop.... " Lucy huffed. Natsu lifted his head and looked at her.
" Why should I? " Natsu asked coldly but not on his own will this time.
" I... Don't you like somebody else? Why did you steal my first Kiss? " Lucy asked.
" The only person I have desired to be with... Is you.. Lucy. With you around I don't need anyone else in the world. " Natsu confessed, his tone was a bit cold and uncaring.
Natsu kissed her neck lightly, and sucked on it. Lucy closed her eyes tightly. Hot tears clung to her eyelashes. She wasn't sad, but she was actually happy Natsu felt this way towards her.
He got her to talk to him so fast, he got her to play instruments with him, he got her to get changed, he got her to sing, and kiss him.
She got to talk to him so quick, she got him to play an instrument, she got him to be cold to her, she got him to steal her first Kiss.
"N-Na-mmmf! " every time Lucy tried to say his name Natsu would silence her with a kiss. When he kissed her this time her tears released and dropped.
Natsu pulled away and glared at Lucy.
" Didn't I tell you to shut up... " Natsu said coldly and angrily. Lucy stared in his eyes, hers were filled with a bit of shock.
Natsu's eyes had a glint of greed, and his eyes showed he was annoyed, angry, but they were also a hint of love and compassion. But Lucy couldn't see that. She only caught the greediness in his eyes as he looked at her.
Natsu let go of one of her hands, and he caressed her hip, as he kissed her lips again.
Lucy couldn't feel any love, passion, or care in this kiss. She felt his greed.
Lucy tried kicking and pushing him off. Nothing worked. Lucy pounced his chest and he didn't move.
He pulled away and looked at her curiously.
"What's the matter know? " Natsu asked annoyed.
Lucy huffed.
" Please let go of me... If you only care for me to fill your greediness... Then I want you to leave... " Lucy said, her voice croaked and some sad tears came down her face.
" And what makes you think I'd just leave you. I care for you because you're the only one for me. " Natsu said.

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