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Natsu awoke at noon the next day. But when he awoke, Lucy was no where.
Natsu burst up and looked around the room.
All of a sudden violin music flooded in the room. Natsu got up and walked to the bedroom door.
He opened it silently.
Lucy had her back turned and she was playing a song on her violin. Natsu smiled.
The song was about love. Natsu knew it was, cause that's what he felt.
He stalked up behind Lucy. He wrapped his arms around her stomach gently. Lucy gasped in surprise and stopped playing.
"Natsu. " Lucy said turning her head to look at him.
Natsu looked at her and kissed her cheek lightly. Lucy smiled.
" You seem to be fine talking to me now. " Natsu said.
" Well... I guess that changed last night! " Lucy smiled.
Natsu kissed her shoulder. She was still wearing the Jean shorts and low white tank top.
Lucy put her violin away quickly, then turned to Natsu.
Natsu immediately kissed her lips passionately. Natsu and Lucy's tongues wondered their new surroundings, until Natsu pulled away.
Lucy smiled at Natsu. Natsu smiled back.
"Luce, wanna go out for coffee at Mira's Cafe?" Natsu asked. Lucy nodded.
"Also! I want you to try and talk more to your friends like Gray and Jellal. OK. " Natsu added.
" OK! " Lucy said.
Lucy now wore a Jean skirt, with a light green loos tank top,and brown sandals with a small heel. Natsu was wearing what he wore before.
" OH all of our friends are here. " Natsu said looking through the window of the cafe. Lucy smiled.
Gray, Jellal, Erza, Juvia, Levy, Cana, Mira, Lisanna, Gajeel, and loke were all hanging out.
Natsu opened the door and Lucy went in. She  smiled and ran up to Levy and jumped on her.
"Lu! You're here! " Levy yelled squeezing Lucy back.
" Well... Typical Lucy, hugging Levy til the end. " Gray said.
Lucy and Levy pulled apart.
" Hey guys. " Natsu said.
" Did you do something to Lucy? " Gajeel asked.
" Nope. " Natsu said.
" OLA! " a high yet cute and soft voice said. Gray snapped his head at Lucy. She had her hand up as a hello.
" Did I just here something? " Jellal asked.
" Yeah! Lucy just said 'ola'  silly. " Mira said.
" Pay attention you... You stripper. " Cana said drunk.
" Hey! " Juvia protested.
" That was so cute Lucy! " Lisanna squealed.
" Maybe her singing voice is as good as her music. " Erza said to herself.
" It is. " Natsu said.
Gray looked at him confused.
" Gray... " Lucy said. Gray looked at her surprised she was talking." Your clothes. "
" Gah! " Gray exclaimed.
" Lucy your talking more. I'm glad. " Erza said.
" Yeah. It's a better then writing on a notebook paper, and faster. " Lucy nodded.
" It talks. " Jellal said.
" She's not an it! " Levy yelled.
Lucy smiled at her typical friends. Natsu then wrapped his arm around Lucy's shoulders. Lucy leaned on his shoulder.
" No way! You two are a couple! " Mira squealed.
" I new this day would come! " Lisanna ahead anime tears and smiled.
" So when did you and Blondie get together? " Gajeel asked.
" Yesterday! " Lucy exclaimed.
Mira handed Lucy a strawberry smoothie. Lucy took it and started sipping it. Then Mira brought Natsu a hot coffee.
" Natsu don't put hot sauce in your coffee! " Cana yelled as Natsu was holding up a hot sauce bottle.
" Why not? " Natsu whined.
" That's disgusting! " Juvia said loudly. Mira gave her a glass of water.
Lucy sat down and watched her friends talk. She sat silently, until Mira came up to her.
" Lucy... The school wanted me to give this to you. " Mira said handing an envelope to Lucy.
" OH... Thanks Mira. " Lucy took the envelope. She started opening it right away, curious of what it was.
She pulled out a paper, and read it.
" Th-This is... " Lucy stuttered.
" Huh? Luce what's wrong? " Natsu asked.
" I got accepted into the international music collage for young adults. " Lucy said.
" That's Good! " Cana said.
" No its not good Cana. " Lisanna said.
" Huh? " Cana said.
" That collage is in America. She'll have to leave us for a few years. " Juvia said.
" No way! " Gray said.
Natsu looked at Lucy.
" School is almost over. When exams are over its summer. And we'll be finished with high school. " Gajeel said.
" And the exams are starting next week." Lisanna sighed.
"Seriously! " Natsu exclaimed. Mira nodded.
" Well it'll only be a few years... I'm sure we can wait that long. And we'll all be awaiting your arrival! " Levy said.
" Thanks Levy. " Lucy smiled.
Natsu was walking hand in hand with Lucy down the road to her apartment.
" You should go back to your apartment you know. " Lucy sighed.
" You're right. Let's go. " Natsu said pulling her in a different direction.
" W-Wait where are you taking me!? " Lucy asked.
" To my place. " Natsu smiled. Lucy followed behind him to his apartment. Natsu unlocked the door and let Lucy in.
Lucy looked around. It was actually clean.
Lucy turned to Natsu and smiled slightly. Natsu engulfed her in a hug. She hugged back.
" Natsu? " Lucy said when Natsu slid his hands in her back Jean skirt's pockets.
" Hmm? " Natsu said closing his eyes and sniffing her hair. Lucy blushed.
" Y-You're touching my-"
"Your ass. I know. " Natsu said interrupting her.
Natsu pulled his hands out of her pockets, and looked down at his blond girl.
" Luce... " Natsu said.
" What? " Lucy said looking up at him.
" You should wear something sexy. Maybe something with straps. " Natsu smiled. Lucy blushed.
" You pervert! " Lucy yelled still blushing.
Natsu laughed.
" I was just kidding. " Natsu laughed. Lucy did a 'hmph' and crossed her arms. In the process, she was making a face that looked cute to Natsu.
Natsu lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. Lucy looked back into him. Natsu then kissed her lips passionately.
Lucy staggered backwards in surprise. Natsu followed her movement so their lips stayed in contact. Lucy hit the wall.
Natsu lift her on the wall. Lucy wrapped her legs around his torso, and her hands landed on his shoulder.
The couples continued kissing roughly. Until Natsu pulled away. Lucy panted, and looked into his onyx eyes.
"You looked upset about that collage over seas thing... Luckily I can cheer you up! " Natsu smiled.

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